Monday, January 29, 2007

George W. Bushisms

For Christmas this year, my wonderful "democratic" sister-in-law gave me a calendar where each day of the year has a quote from George W. Bush.

The quotes are meant to be funny. For instance, today's quote is "It is not Reaganesque to support a tax plan that is Clinton in nature".

I'll admit that I find 1 out 4 that are funny. The sad part is the other 3 out of 4 are meant to be funny but since I hack the English language in the same way as "W" I just look at the quote and say "That's what I would have said". I just sit there and wonder what is wrong with the quote.

Bottom-line, a gift like that would be more funny to someone actually smart enough to see the humor.

As I am typing this I have decided to do the following. I am going to take the calendar to work and put it on my desk. All my Chinese coworkers will read these and learn the English language from W. Just think, by the end of the year there might be 1 billion people abusing the English language as W and I do so well.

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