Friday, January 12, 2007

Goofy Daughter

You know, eating out every night for dinner is great thing! I have learned that it is better to try to eat out rather than fix food here and mess up the kitchen. Of course Natalie spends most of the time goofing around with my camera, so she enjoys it. As you can see, she takes her time with me very serious. I told her to make a nice smile for her grandparents, aunts, and uncles, and this is what she is giving them! Lucky them.

Also, for some reason, I find it physically impossible to get out of this house before 7:30! It doesn't matter what time I get up, we are always running late. I am trying the star reward system for Natalie (she has to get dressed, brush her hair, brush her teeth on her own), but that doesn't seem to make her do it FAST. But everything is really getting along fine!
My sister Jennifer got her ticket tonight to come down to Florida before I leave for Shanghai. It will be nice to see her before I have to go. Now if I can just get the rest of the schedule worked out.

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