Sunday, January 28, 2007

Living With a Bald Man

There are things you notice about someone you live with only after you don't live with them anymore. Tom has been gone almost 4 weeks now and I have been so busy with Natalie and getting things done here, that I really haven't had too much of a chance to miss him. For example, he must not have used any dishes while living here as we have to run the dishwasher for just the two of us as often as we did for three of us. If not more often! And I am not even cooking which makes it crazier. Oh, and trash. Natalie and I have to be the trashiest people in town. We take out trash about as often as when he is here.

But, Tom has always been the one to clean up after meals and he does all the laundry. Those are two obvious areas that I have had to assume responsibility for. The only thing I have noticed about the laundry is that Tom used to laundry 2-3 times in a week and I can now get by now with two loads once a week. And he usually is the bill payer. Another thing I don't do well (timely is the problem) and I don't like doing.

The other morning in the shower, I went to use the shaving cream that Tom and I have always shared. I grabbed the can and tried to spray into my palm.l Instead of coming out into a nice fluffy mound, a stream of liquid shot across the shower and onto the glass! I did this not once, but twice. I didn't even realize that shaving cream had the potential to come out like that. I finally realized that a man who shaves his head shakes the shaving cream every day or at least every other day. A woman who lives with a bald man doesn't ever have to shake the shaving cream to shave her legs!

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