For Christmas this year, my wonderful "democratic" sister-in-law gave me a calendar where each day of the year has a quote from George W. Bush.
The quotes are meant to be funny. For instance, today's quote is "It is not Reaganesque to support a tax plan that is Clinton in nature".
I'll admit that I find 1 out 4 that are funny. The sad part is the other 3 out of 4 are meant to be funny but since I hack the English language in the same way as "W" I just look at the quote and say "That's what I would have said". I just sit there and wonder what is wrong with the quote.
Bottom-line, a gift like that would be more funny to someone actually smart enough to see the humor.
As I am typing this I have decided to do the following. I am going to take the calendar to work and put it on my desk. All my Chinese coworkers will read these and learn the English language from W. Just think, by the end of the year there might be 1 billion people abusing the English language as W and I do so well.
Monday, January 29, 2007
What the Hell was that?
You probably missed my only acting performance. It was considered a “for one night only” gig. I am not sure if I can handle the stress of my role again.
An experienced actor probably knows how to prepare for a role. I thought that I was preparing for the role by rehearsing my line. By the way, I finally found out what my line was in English. My Chinese line translated to English was “It is Thundering…It is Raining…Get your clothes”. In case you’re thinking about being an actor, I have the following lessons learned…….
First lesson – know your venue.
I have been rehearsing my line in my home and at the office during lunch. At work during lunch, it consisted of walking 5 feet – saying my line – and walking away 5 feet. But I didn’t realize that the play was going to be on a regular stage in a banquet hall. Walking 30 feet isn’t an issue but it is a surprise when you have been planning to walk 5 feet. Another shock was that I had to wear a microphone. Again, not an issue if one would have planned for it; but it did look odd to have a headset on a bald head.
Second – Know your audience.
When I heard that the company was having a New Year’s celebration I just ASSUMED it was for the salary workforce. WRONG! Salary and hourly were present. Over 1,300 people were present that night. Nothing like uttering your first Chinese line to your closest 1,300 friends.
Third – Know who you follow.
If you remember from my previous post, I mentioned that I had a twirl drum that I was to play as I walked across the stage before I said my line. That was no issue and it was a good prop and aid. I actually taped my three words to the drum head in case I came down with a serious case of stage fright. What I wasn’t prepared to deal with was the previous act; which was actually the show’s opening act. The show opened with a traditional Chinese drum performance. I think there were probably 12 drummers beating their skins in festive outfits. It was very impressive and exciting. The drums were loud. They had one large bass drum that its size would have competed with Purdue’s Bass Drum (The World’s Largest). The show ended, the drums were quickly removed, and it was show time! The hall quiets down from the exciting opening drum act and here comes the monk (me) onto stage playing his 4” twirling drum. I remember chuckling to myself as I was walking that I felt like a 7th grader showering with the 12 graders in High School. I felt a wee bit inadequate with my prop.
Fourth – Enjoy the show
I remember walking across the stage twirling my drum. I sort of remember looking out at the 1,300 employees in the hall. I remember looking at the words on my prop but I don’t think I read them, I think I actually remembered the lines but looked at the prop so I didn’t have to look at the huge audience. As I was saying my line, I remember wondering if my microphone was turned on. I finished and walked towards the side of the stage to strike my pose. Within my first two steps after my line I heard a huge response from the audience. I was surprised – I heard huge laughter after I finished my line. My microphone must have been on. I must have said the line correctly because people responded. If they didn’t understand my then they would have sat there silent. I kept thinking it was a success.
When the play was over I couldn’t remember how I did. It was all a blur. I can only remember the details from looking and photos and videos that people had taken during the show.
The Celebration in general
The show lasted 2-3 hours. Must of it was performances by the different functional staff’s in the company. There were singers, dancers, and musical performers. I was very impressed by the participation of the workforce. My admin, Mina, was one of the shows three MC’s. She looked stunning in her formal gown and stage make-up. She was so good at being an MC. She seemed to be a natural but I can’t give a fair opinion since the show was entirely in Chinese but the words seemed to flow out of her mouth very well.
The show was actually the company’s annual New Year’s celebration. This year’s party was also the company’s 10 year anniversary.
The show ended with the traditional Chinese dragons coming through the mass of people and eventually going on stage. This country is very proud of its tradition and heritage. The actual Chinese New Year is the week of February 18th. I was talking to another expat the other night and he said the New Year’s celebration is CRAZY. The fireworks start early and go all night. He said last year the fireworks, which could be seen from our housing complex, had a 2 ½ hour grand finale.
The title of my blog is from one of my all-time favorite jokes.
A man who has never acted before decided that he wanted to become a Thespian. He tried out for a small part in a major production. His role was of a Sentinel in Roman times. His line that he had to remember was “Hark, I hear the cannons roar!”
He rehearsed very hard. He wanted this role. He had his try-out and the director liked him. He gave him the part but he was to be an understudy. But, fortunately, the following day the main actor was injured and could not perform. The director called and said that he must fly immediately to California to take the lead role for the night’s show. The actor-to-be was excited. He hurriedly packed while practicing his line. On the 4 hour flight to California he kept reciting his line “Hark, I hear the cannons roar” to the woman sitting next to him. He felt confident. He landed and was quickly hauled away to the venue. They rushed him to the dressing room. As all the assistants were dressing him he kept practicing his line “Hark, I hear the cannons roar”.
Now it was time. The director told him to walk on stage and wait for his cue. The man walks to center stage. The cannon let off a gigantic BOOM. The actor jumps up and turns to the source of the noise and said “What the hell was that?”
An experienced actor probably knows how to prepare for a role. I thought that I was preparing for the role by rehearsing my line. By the way, I finally found out what my line was in English. My Chinese line translated to English was “It is Thundering…It is Raining…Get your clothes”. In case you’re thinking about being an actor, I have the following lessons learned…….
First lesson – know your venue.
I have been rehearsing my line in my home and at the office during lunch. At work during lunch, it consisted of walking 5 feet – saying my line – and walking away 5 feet. But I didn’t realize that the play was going to be on a regular stage in a banquet hall. Walking 30 feet isn’t an issue but it is a surprise when you have been planning to walk 5 feet. Another shock was that I had to wear a microphone. Again, not an issue if one would have planned for it; but it did look odd to have a headset on a bald head.
Second – Know your audience.
When I heard that the company was having a New Year’s celebration I just ASSUMED it was for the salary workforce. WRONG! Salary and hourly were present. Over 1,300 people were present that night. Nothing like uttering your first Chinese line to your closest 1,300 friends.
Third – Know who you follow.
If you remember from my previous post, I mentioned that I had a twirl drum that I was to play as I walked across the stage before I said my line. That was no issue and it was a good prop and aid. I actually taped my three words to the drum head in case I came down with a serious case of stage fright. What I wasn’t prepared to deal with was the previous act; which was actually the show’s opening act. The show opened with a traditional Chinese drum performance. I think there were probably 12 drummers beating their skins in festive outfits. It was very impressive and exciting. The drums were loud. They had one large bass drum that its size would have competed with Purdue’s Bass Drum (The World’s Largest). The show ended, the drums were quickly removed, and it was show time! The hall quiets down from the exciting opening drum act and here comes the monk (me) onto stage playing his 4” twirling drum. I remember chuckling to myself as I was walking that I felt like a 7th grader showering with the 12 graders in High School. I felt a wee bit inadequate with my prop.
Fourth – Enjoy the show
I remember walking across the stage twirling my drum. I sort of remember looking out at the 1,300 employees in the hall. I remember looking at the words on my prop but I don’t think I read them, I think I actually remembered the lines but looked at the prop so I didn’t have to look at the huge audience. As I was saying my line, I remember wondering if my microphone was turned on. I finished and walked towards the side of the stage to strike my pose. Within my first two steps after my line I heard a huge response from the audience. I was surprised – I heard huge laughter after I finished my line. My microphone must have been on. I must have said the line correctly because people responded. If they didn’t understand my then they would have sat there silent. I kept thinking it was a success.
When the play was over I couldn’t remember how I did. It was all a blur. I can only remember the details from looking and photos and videos that people had taken during the show.
The Celebration in general
The show lasted 2-3 hours. Must of it was performances by the different functional staff’s in the company. There were singers, dancers, and musical performers. I was very impressed by the participation of the workforce. My admin, Mina, was one of the shows three MC’s. She looked stunning in her formal gown and stage make-up. She was so good at being an MC. She seemed to be a natural but I can’t give a fair opinion since the show was entirely in Chinese but the words seemed to flow out of her mouth very well.
The show was actually the company’s annual New Year’s celebration. This year’s party was also the company’s 10 year anniversary.
The show ended with the traditional Chinese dragons coming through the mass of people and eventually going on stage. This country is very proud of its tradition and heritage. The actual Chinese New Year is the week of February 18th. I was talking to another expat the other night and he said the New Year’s celebration is CRAZY. The fireworks start early and go all night. He said last year the fireworks, which could be seen from our housing complex, had a 2 ½ hour grand finale.
The title of my blog is from one of my all-time favorite jokes.
A man who has never acted before decided that he wanted to become a Thespian. He tried out for a small part in a major production. His role was of a Sentinel in Roman times. His line that he had to remember was “Hark, I hear the cannons roar!”
He rehearsed very hard. He wanted this role. He had his try-out and the director liked him. He gave him the part but he was to be an understudy. But, fortunately, the following day the main actor was injured and could not perform. The director called and said that he must fly immediately to California to take the lead role for the night’s show. The actor-to-be was excited. He hurriedly packed while practicing his line. On the 4 hour flight to California he kept reciting his line “Hark, I hear the cannons roar” to the woman sitting next to him. He felt confident. He landed and was quickly hauled away to the venue. They rushed him to the dressing room. As all the assistants were dressing him he kept practicing his line “Hark, I hear the cannons roar”.
Now it was time. The director told him to walk on stage and wait for his cue. The man walks to center stage. The cannon let off a gigantic BOOM. The actor jumps up and turns to the source of the noise and said “What the hell was that?”
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Living With a Bald Man
There are things you notice about someone you live with only after you don't live with them anymore. Tom has been gone almost 4 weeks now and I have been so busy with Natalie and getting things done here, that I really haven't had too much of a chance to miss him. For example, he must not have used any dishes while living here as we have to run the dishwasher for just the two of us as often as we did for three of us. If not more often! And I am not even cooking which makes it crazier. Oh, and trash. Natalie and I have to be the trashiest people in town. We take out trash about as often as when he is here.
But, Tom has always been the one to clean up after meals and he does all the laundry. Those are two obvious areas that I have had to assume responsibility for. The only thing I have noticed about the laundry is that Tom used to laundry 2-3 times in a week and I can now get by now with two loads once a week. And he usually is the bill payer. Another thing I don't do well (timely is the problem) and I don't like doing.
The other morning in the shower, I went to use the shaving cream that Tom and I have always shared. I grabbed the can and tried to spray into my palm.l Instead of coming out into a nice fluffy mound, a stream of liquid shot across the shower and onto the glass! I did this not once, but twice. I didn't even realize that shaving cream had the potential to come out like that. I finally realized that a man who shaves his head shakes the shaving cream every day or at least every other day. A woman who lives with a bald man doesn't ever have to shake the shaving cream to shave her legs!
But, Tom has always been the one to clean up after meals and he does all the laundry. Those are two obvious areas that I have had to assume responsibility for. The only thing I have noticed about the laundry is that Tom used to laundry 2-3 times in a week and I can now get by now with two loads once a week. And he usually is the bill payer. Another thing I don't do well (timely is the problem) and I don't like doing.
The other morning in the shower, I went to use the shaving cream that Tom and I have always shared. I grabbed the can and tried to spray into my palm.l Instead of coming out into a nice fluffy mound, a stream of liquid shot across the shower and onto the glass! I did this not once, but twice. I didn't even realize that shaving cream had the potential to come out like that. I finally realized that a man who shaves his head shakes the shaving cream every day or at least every other day. A woman who lives with a bald man doesn't ever have to shake the shaving cream to shave her legs!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Let it Snow... In Dayton
Well, it finally snowed here in Dayton. And of course it meant that I had to shovel the sidewalk and part of the driveway! But, Natalie got a nice chance to play. Check out her pictures here. However, I made a "house Selling Faux Pas" today. I thought it would be nice if Natalie and I just hung out the house today. It was Sunday and we have been eating out or running errands since Tom left. I didn't take a shower and the house wasn't all picked up. At noon, the phone rang and it was the realtor letting me know that someone wanted to look at the house at 2! Wow, did we have to kick it in gear. I had to take a shower, clean the house, and get the sidewalk shoveled. All done by 1:38. Poor Natalie. It is pretty frustrating to her to have to leave like that. It makes us both pretty grouchy to tell the truth. So, we left and went and ate a late lunch then went and bought a king size mattress for Shanghai. There is no such thing as a comfortable asian mattress!!! Finalzie the details for Natalie's Going Away Party. I have to get the invitations out tonight. In fact, I am going to go do that now...
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
My theatrical debut – Only in China
Thursday night is our plant's 10th year anniversary. A big occasion and it is being treated that way. The entire plant staff is having a dinner in a nice restaurant in the downtown area. Prior to dinner, there will be some entertainment. Some groups are singing traditional Chinese songs. Our Purchasing group is putting on a skit. I don’t understand the skit yet but it involves the Monkey King. The Monkey King is a famous historical character within the Chinese Culture. To play him would be a great honor. Thanks goodness I am not playing him. Instead I am playing the mentor of the Monkey King. I have two lines. The first one is Chinese. I can’t write it but I will write it down phonetically. My line is “Da Lay La – Sha You La – Sho E Fu La”. They told me that it says something about the rain. Today I asked another girl, not part of the play, what it meant and she rambled on for about 1 minute about what the three words mean. She did mention rain so I think the explanation is legit – or so I think. This might be the biggest conspiracy I have been involved in. The “director” of the play (one of my admins – Mina) had me rehearse my line and my stage acting. I have to wear this big yellow robe and use a twirling drum. A twirling drum is basically a drum head on a stick. There are two stings with a ball on the end of each string. One rotates the handle of the drum causing the strings to swing back and forth beating the drum heads. I actually think this was a prop in the Karate Kid movie – imagine that! When I am done then I walk to the side of the stage and “strike a pose”. They did not care for my Goldberg WWE wrestling pose so they asked me to perform a more traditional pose – hands together in a praying position at my chest with my head bowed.
I nailed it during rehearsal but the reaction was “odd”. When I said my line, some clapped because I knew my line and said it correctly but the majority of the reaction was giggles from the girls and laughing from the guys. Yes, even the guy wearing angel wings and a lone ranger mask. The laughing and giggling makes me think they aren’t telling me everything.
Oh, I almost forgot. My second line is when I am “striking my pose”, I then look up and say “Where is the pig?”. It is in English – probably for my benefit. After the line I walk off the stage (and I’m heading straight for the bar)
Well tomorrow is the big rehearsal with all characters. On the way to work tomorrow I will probably drop my line on my driver to see what his reaction is. It will be odd since it will be our first communication in 2 weeks. You see, I speak no Chinese and he speaks no English. If only marriages had this arrangement.
More on my driver later.
Good night!
I nailed it during rehearsal but the reaction was “odd”. When I said my line, some clapped because I knew my line and said it correctly but the majority of the reaction was giggles from the girls and laughing from the guys. Yes, even the guy wearing angel wings and a lone ranger mask. The laughing and giggling makes me think they aren’t telling me everything.
Oh, I almost forgot. My second line is when I am “striking my pose”, I then look up and say “Where is the pig?”. It is in English – probably for my benefit. After the line I walk off the stage (and I’m heading straight for the bar)
Well tomorrow is the big rehearsal with all characters. On the way to work tomorrow I will probably drop my line on my driver to see what his reaction is. It will be odd since it will be our first communication in 2 weeks. You see, I speak no Chinese and he speaks no English. If only marriages had this arrangement.
More on my driver later.
Good night!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Funny thing happened this afternoon
I went out to dinner at the Blue Frog. I wanted something Chinese but they were serving breakfast yet (4:00 p.m.) so I had to have a "safe" sandwich.
It is about a 15 minute walk to the Blue Frog. No problem. I walk about an hour every night after work. It is typically late at night after I get home from work but I insist on doing it. The clubhouse has a gym but haven't been there yet. I am not much for gyms but I will try it. Funny thing - Shelly was telling me about getting the house ready for sale and she mentioned that we had an excercise room in our basement. She even said it had a treadmill - you think I would have discovered that in the 5+ years we lived there.
Anyway, upon returning from dinner I usually stop at the Carrefour to get items. Tonight I wanted to bank some instant noodles in case I get hungry some evening this week. I am actually only eating one meal a day currently. It is at the cafe in the office. Usually rice, two meats, and two vegetables. I usually just point at something that looks edible. It doesn't look good but when it is your only meal you tend to overlook the unappealling presentation. Actaully the best thing about my diet is that I have eliminated Coke/Pepsi from my diet. Just water (bottled) and orange juice.
Anyway (part II), back to the funny story. At the Carefour you can get a hand basket or a cart. I had a basket since I only had 3 items. The store is packed on weekends. To give you an idea, they have 60 register lanes open and there is roughly 8-12 carts in each lane - incredible. On the very end there is an express lane if you have a basket - no carts. That line usually has about 10-12 people but it is quicker - until tonight. The lady if front of me had two carts full of items. She had one and her husband had another. To get around the rule of baskets only she stopped at the front of the lane and proceeded to unload everything in her cart into 13 hand baskets piled high - carried them 6 feet to the register. I didn't know how to act. I know in the States she would have been yelled at by every person in the line. She figured out the way to beat the system. The only other way to beat the crowd was another method that I observed last week. I was in the check out lane and one lane over was a lady who decided, while paying for her items, that it would be a good time to throw-up. Vomit went everywhere and she went running for a trash can - leaving a trail along the way. Pretty disgusting. Her line cleared out for about 15 seconds but then people realized that for a small inconvience of standing in someone's vomit you could get right to the register without having to wait.
OK - I got to do some work now. I have put it off all week and been avoiding it by writing these blogs today. I just need to buckle down and do it. HBO won't be a distraction tonight. I think there is a Robert Ulrich movie marathon on HBO tonight.
It is about a 15 minute walk to the Blue Frog. No problem. I walk about an hour every night after work. It is typically late at night after I get home from work but I insist on doing it. The clubhouse has a gym but haven't been there yet. I am not much for gyms but I will try it. Funny thing - Shelly was telling me about getting the house ready for sale and she mentioned that we had an excercise room in our basement. She even said it had a treadmill - you think I would have discovered that in the 5+ years we lived there.
Anyway, upon returning from dinner I usually stop at the Carrefour to get items. Tonight I wanted to bank some instant noodles in case I get hungry some evening this week. I am actually only eating one meal a day currently. It is at the cafe in the office. Usually rice, two meats, and two vegetables. I usually just point at something that looks edible. It doesn't look good but when it is your only meal you tend to overlook the unappealling presentation. Actaully the best thing about my diet is that I have eliminated Coke/Pepsi from my diet. Just water (bottled) and orange juice.
Anyway (part II), back to the funny story. At the Carefour you can get a hand basket or a cart. I had a basket since I only had 3 items. The store is packed on weekends. To give you an idea, they have 60 register lanes open and there is roughly 8-12 carts in each lane - incredible. On the very end there is an express lane if you have a basket - no carts. That line usually has about 10-12 people but it is quicker - until tonight. The lady if front of me had two carts full of items. She had one and her husband had another. To get around the rule of baskets only she stopped at the front of the lane and proceeded to unload everything in her cart into 13 hand baskets piled high - carried them 6 feet to the register. I didn't know how to act. I know in the States she would have been yelled at by every person in the line. She figured out the way to beat the system. The only other way to beat the crowd was another method that I observed last week. I was in the check out lane and one lane over was a lady who decided, while paying for her items, that it would be a good time to throw-up. Vomit went everywhere and she went running for a trash can - leaving a trail along the way. Pretty disgusting. Her line cleared out for about 15 seconds but then people realized that for a small inconvience of standing in someone's vomit you could get right to the register without having to wait.
OK - I got to do some work now. I have put it off all week and been avoiding it by writing these blogs today. I just need to buckle down and do it. HBO won't be a distraction tonight. I think there is a Robert Ulrich movie marathon on HBO tonight.
OK, I'll admit..I do drink to socialize
I was able to watch the tail end of the Colts vs. Ravens game on TV today. Glad to see the Colts win. Glad to see it on TV. It was on in the early morning and since there weren’t any good soccer or snooker then I guess ESPN-Asia decided to show the game. The Eagles Saints game didn't make the TV but I tracked the score via Nothing would be finer for me than a Saints vs. Colts Superbowl. I have a feeling it may happen now that I am half a world away. Growing up a Cubs, Bears, Colts, and Boilermaker fan tends to make one accept losing. Remember two years ago when I was in China on a 4 month assignment and the Purdue football team started out 6 - 0 and ranked in the top 10? Then I decided to come back and watched them lose the next 5. I think my exit has turned the worm. I think the Buckeye football team was about 100-2 when I was in the States. I leave and they lose. The Colts lose about 4 in a row when I was in the States. I leave and now they are playing for the Conference title next week. It will be just my luck that Purdue will go to the Rose Bowl next year. And if I miss it, I will be the happiest man on the face of the earth!
I actually ventured into our clubhouse last night. They have a bar and decided to check it out. Started out with myself, the bartender, and another Gentleman from Australia. The bartender was from the Philippines and spoke great English. Mike (from Australia) had descent English (you know – the funny words they use in Australia - Barbie, bonnet, etc). He works for Caterpillar in Shanghai. His kids are all grown and it is just he and his wife. From what he tells me it sounds like I will be seeing more of him since he and his wife spend many hours at the bar playing pool and socializing.
The bar is nice. It has a pool table, a new dart cabinet, and next week is getting a “dice game”. I’ll have to wait for that to determine if that will be an attraction or not. Of course they have a nice stereo system but the songs were odd. That one song that caught my fancy (now I sound Australian) was the Boomtown Rat’s – “I don’t like Mondays”. I loved that song as a kid and that was a longtime ago. The first time I saw the group was on the Mike Douglas Show. If you remember the Mike Douglas show then you know it is an old song. The lead singer for the Rats went on to bigger and better things. His name is Bob Geldof; a famous music producer who organized the Live Aid concerts. I must really be a fan if I know that much information about the Boomtown Rats.
Mike had to leave and pick up his wife who was returning from Australia on her extended Holiday stay. But he was quickly replaced by two others. A father and son (Craig? and Jake) soon arrived. They were Americans and Jake was here on break as he was heading back to Arizona State to start his last semester the next morning. Eventually their wife/mother and daughter/sister arrived to join them. The daughter was having her school’s formal dance in the ballroom at the club. She came up asking if she could go out with her friends after the dance. Sounds like any other high school sophomore.
Eventually they left and only the bartender and I remained. We talked a little bit but eventually I pushed away and decided to walk home. It was a good start in getting to know the neighbors.
Funny thing, when I mentioned that I worked for Delphi both groups said that there were other Delphi employees who live in Vizcaya. I did not know the names but I will look them up at work on Monday. This group has a Friday Night Poker game every week and I hope to get invited. I should since the group consists of 2 Delphi employees and another player who graduated from a small Engineering School in Indiana (Rose-Hulman)
I actually ventured into our clubhouse last night. They have a bar and decided to check it out. Started out with myself, the bartender, and another Gentleman from Australia. The bartender was from the Philippines and spoke great English. Mike (from Australia) had descent English (you know – the funny words they use in Australia - Barbie, bonnet, etc). He works for Caterpillar in Shanghai. His kids are all grown and it is just he and his wife. From what he tells me it sounds like I will be seeing more of him since he and his wife spend many hours at the bar playing pool and socializing.
The bar is nice. It has a pool table, a new dart cabinet, and next week is getting a “dice game”. I’ll have to wait for that to determine if that will be an attraction or not. Of course they have a nice stereo system but the songs were odd. That one song that caught my fancy (now I sound Australian) was the Boomtown Rat’s – “I don’t like Mondays”. I loved that song as a kid and that was a longtime ago. The first time I saw the group was on the Mike Douglas Show. If you remember the Mike Douglas show then you know it is an old song. The lead singer for the Rats went on to bigger and better things. His name is Bob Geldof; a famous music producer who organized the Live Aid concerts. I must really be a fan if I know that much information about the Boomtown Rats.
Mike had to leave and pick up his wife who was returning from Australia on her extended Holiday stay. But he was quickly replaced by two others. A father and son (Craig? and Jake) soon arrived. They were Americans and Jake was here on break as he was heading back to Arizona State to start his last semester the next morning. Eventually their wife/mother and daughter/sister arrived to join them. The daughter was having her school’s formal dance in the ballroom at the club. She came up asking if she could go out with her friends after the dance. Sounds like any other high school sophomore.
Eventually they left and only the bartender and I remained. We talked a little bit but eventually I pushed away and decided to walk home. It was a good start in getting to know the neighbors.
Funny thing, when I mentioned that I worked for Delphi both groups said that there were other Delphi employees who live in Vizcaya. I did not know the names but I will look them up at work on Monday. This group has a Friday Night Poker game every week and I hope to get invited. I should since the group consists of 2 Delphi employees and another player who graduated from a small Engineering School in Indiana (Rose-Hulman)
Back to College (part 2)
My first submission into the blog was a week ago. I titled it "Back to College" but never really got to the point. I started out talking about my flight and started to ramble. I had saved it as a draft copy but Shelly went ahead and published it.
My point to my first title blog was that title kept repeating itself in my mind in my first week in Shanghai. The whole experience felt like the time that I moved away to college. At that time, if felt like a big step in life. Leaving the comforts of home and heading into a new world. Obviously, my move to China is very similar. I have left the comforts of home and headed into a new world but on a much larger scale. My first weekend in Shanghai, I cleaned the master bedroom, master bathroom, and master bedroom closet. It felt so much like college – cleaning the joint from the previous tenants. Then when I was cleaning I realized that my home in Dayton was really nice. The woodwork, the cabinets, the caulking, etc. Those little things that go un-noticed until you don’t have them any longer. It is the same feeling I had when I moved to my first apartment in college. The new place that wasn’t as nice as the parent’s house but it was going to be my home for the next three years.
My point to my first title blog was that title kept repeating itself in my mind in my first week in Shanghai. The whole experience felt like the time that I moved away to college. At that time, if felt like a big step in life. Leaving the comforts of home and heading into a new world. Obviously, my move to China is very similar. I have left the comforts of home and headed into a new world but on a much larger scale. My first weekend in Shanghai, I cleaned the master bedroom, master bathroom, and master bedroom closet. It felt so much like college – cleaning the joint from the previous tenants. Then when I was cleaning I realized that my home in Dayton was really nice. The woodwork, the cabinets, the caulking, etc. Those little things that go un-noticed until you don’t have them any longer. It is the same feeling I had when I moved to my first apartment in college. The new place that wasn’t as nice as the parent’s house but it was going to be my home for the next three years.
Natalie Gets Her FIRST Skyline Shirt!!!
Natalie finally had her tenth Kids Meal at Skyline today and was able to get her free T-Shirt. She picked the new Cone E. It is a kids medium so it is really big, but she was ecstatic! And now I don't have to have her asking me every night if we can eat there. Not that I don't like Skyline. I will probably really miss that in China. Though someone had a good point the other day when they said that we shouldn't worry about the meat over there if we tolerated Skyline here!
Today I needed a nap. I woke up at 2:30 a.m. (went to bed at 8:30 p.m. which was a bad idea!) and couldn't go back to sleep, so I got up and did some laundry and other junk. We had an early viewing of the house, so I figured that Natalie and I could run our errands and then come back for a rest. She had filled up her Star Card (a card where she gets a star for getting herself ready in the morning and if she stays dry at night) and so she got to get a new LeapPad L-Max game which she played a bit at nap time. Then in 20 minutes she came in my bedroom and said "Mommy, we are done resting now. You better get up." So I sent her away. And in another 10 minutes back with "Mommy, I am hungry. Can I have a snack?" And I sent her away. And then again in 15 minutes, she came back with "Mommy, it is really, really time to get up!" So I did.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Goofy Daughter
Also, for some reason, I find it physically impossible to get out of this house before 7:30! It doesn't matter what time I get up, we are always running late. I am trying the star reward system for Natalie (she has to get dressed, brush her hair, brush her teeth on her own), but that doesn't seem to make her do it FAST. But everything is really getting along fine!
My sister Jennifer got her ticket tonight to come down to Florida before I leave for Shanghai. It will be nice to see her before I have to go. Now if I can just get the rest of the schedule worked out.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
How Many LISTS Does it Take to Move to China?
Wow, I have a lot of things to do! For every one thing I seem to tick off my list, I add 5 more! I have lists for Tom, lists for me, lists for this website, lists for moving, lists for travel to Florida, and lists of lists. Anyway, at least things are moving forward. Tom is still having issues accessing this website from China. [Don't tell him, but I think there is some user error involved! Just kidding of course...] Figures!
Natalie and I have to keep the house clean all the time now as we are starting to get appointments to look at the house. The first two are Wednesday afternoon. It just went up for sale Monday, so I take that as a decent sign. I guess we will just have to keep eating out! I cooked at home tonight and had to spend 10 minutes cleaning up spagetti sauce that somehow she had gotten all over her chair (not the carpet thank goodness!). Spekaing of Natalie, I have now promised her a Pump-It-Up Party as a going away party for her to say goodbye to her friends. 'Cause I didn't have enough goin' on!!!
Natalie and I have to keep the house clean all the time now as we are starting to get appointments to look at the house. The first two are Wednesday afternoon. It just went up for sale Monday, so I take that as a decent sign. I guess we will just have to keep eating out! I cooked at home tonight and had to spend 10 minutes cleaning up spagetti sauce that somehow she had gotten all over her chair (not the carpet thank goodness!). Spekaing of Natalie, I have now promised her a Pump-It-Up Party as a going away party for her to say goodbye to her friends. 'Cause I didn't have enough goin' on!!!
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Final Exit Planning in Progress
Finally got the entire house cleaned and looking pretty good. Now I if can just keep Natalie reading instead of getting toys out! I took the opportunity while I was cleaning to sort through junk and identified and boxed items I would be taking with us when we go. And boxed up stuff that for sure is going to storage. The one shelf I had allocated in the storage area for items to go to China is fast filling up! Mostly some of Natalie's bigger toy's. Seemed smarter to put them away now rather than argue with her about cleaning them up AFTER she got them all out! The house will officially be for sale on Monday.
The big news is that I now have an official "last day of work". It will be February 2. CareSource has been kind enough to let me go early even though the policy states that I should be on payroll at bonus payout time. I owe my boss and the CEO a huge thank you for that! Now I know when I will be done I can start building the final exit schedule!
Well, Natalie is playing restaurant and is feeding me now so I better go.
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Back to College
Ni Hao!
I am here and have moved into my new home for the next three years. So far, I am very happy with it but I have only been here 24 hours. Let's recap the last 3 days.
I left Dayton on Tuesday. Shelly and Natalie drove me to the airport at 6:00 a.m. It was very sad to say goodbye but I know that Shelly and Natalie will be coming very soon themselves - that makes me feel very good. These first couple of months will be long hours at work so it may have been for the best if they came later as planned. I slept from the flight from Dayton to Chicago so I really don't have any experiences to recite. Arrived in Chicago with about an hour before boarding for the next flight. I decided to go to the Business Class Lounge. When I checked in they told me to the First Class Lounge. I thought it was odd but didn't think twice about it.
When it was time to load the plane I boarded and turned right by habit (I've done this flight many times) but I immediately noticed that I was already passed my ticketed row. Strange I thought. I turned for help and the steward told me I was in first class - Cool! I have flown all classes in my previous trips to China. Coach is very uncomfortable for a big guy (soon to be smaller - more on that in a later blog). Coach-plus was very nice but still a little tight for my broad shoulders (but plenty of legroom). Business Class is great. Plenty of room, seats recline to almost flat, power supply for computer, and video on demand. When I fly Business Class I usually feel better on arrival and can go staright to work without losing too much time. In Coach or Coach Plus, I lose a lot of time trying to recover from the 14 hour flight. On a Business sense, Business Class allows you to work during the flight and start working immediately upon arrival. On a personal sense, it is a waste of money. They serve nice meals which I can't eat due to my lactose intolerance and shellfish allergies. I don't drink so the free wine and beer goes to waste. Plus I don't feel comfortaable being waited on hand and foot.
Now First Class is even a bigger step in luxery. The seats actually recline into flat beds. They give a qulted blanket and two very large pillows to use. They have nice storage areas to keep all my travel tools (laptop, video game, books, etc). Additionally, they give you video tapes of movies that are un-editted. You play them at your convience. Again the meals are great but I still can not enjoy them. The wine list is even more exclusive but I still won't drink it. To summarize, still not worth it but it was nice to get some great sleep on the flight. Best thing, it didn't cost the company anything extra for first class since I was upgraded at no additional cost.
We landed in Shanghai and everything went smooth in immigation and customs.
I am here and have moved into my new home for the next three years. So far, I am very happy with it but I have only been here 24 hours. Let's recap the last 3 days.
I left Dayton on Tuesday. Shelly and Natalie drove me to the airport at 6:00 a.m. It was very sad to say goodbye but I know that Shelly and Natalie will be coming very soon themselves - that makes me feel very good. These first couple of months will be long hours at work so it may have been for the best if they came later as planned. I slept from the flight from Dayton to Chicago so I really don't have any experiences to recite. Arrived in Chicago with about an hour before boarding for the next flight. I decided to go to the Business Class Lounge. When I checked in they told me to the First Class Lounge. I thought it was odd but didn't think twice about it.
When it was time to load the plane I boarded and turned right by habit (I've done this flight many times) but I immediately noticed that I was already passed my ticketed row. Strange I thought. I turned for help and the steward told me I was in first class - Cool! I have flown all classes in my previous trips to China. Coach is very uncomfortable for a big guy (soon to be smaller - more on that in a later blog). Coach-plus was very nice but still a little tight for my broad shoulders (but plenty of legroom). Business Class is great. Plenty of room, seats recline to almost flat, power supply for computer, and video on demand. When I fly Business Class I usually feel better on arrival and can go staright to work without losing too much time. In Coach or Coach Plus, I lose a lot of time trying to recover from the 14 hour flight. On a Business sense, Business Class allows you to work during the flight and start working immediately upon arrival. On a personal sense, it is a waste of money. They serve nice meals which I can't eat due to my lactose intolerance and shellfish allergies. I don't drink so the free wine and beer goes to waste. Plus I don't feel comfortaable being waited on hand and foot.
Now First Class is even a bigger step in luxery. The seats actually recline into flat beds. They give a qulted blanket and two very large pillows to use. They have nice storage areas to keep all my travel tools (laptop, video game, books, etc). Additionally, they give you video tapes of movies that are un-editted. You play them at your convience. Again the meals are great but I still can not enjoy them. The wine list is even more exclusive but I still won't drink it. To summarize, still not worth it but it was nice to get some great sleep on the flight. Best thing, it didn't cost the company anything extra for first class since I was upgraded at no additional cost.
We landed in Shanghai and everything went smooth in immigation and customs.
Friday, January 5, 2007
Carpet Replacement????
Well, Tom is in China now. Made it safe and sound. He got upgraded to first class on his flight from Chicago, so don't feel too bad for him! We had to have the carpet replaced prior to putting the house up for sale. Finally tonigh at 10pm I feel like I am going to survice as they are finally done! They started replacing the carpet on Tuesday after I got back from dropping Tom at the airport at 6:30. Since then, my kitchen has been FULL of stuff from the office and Natalie's room. But it is done now I have some of the stuff put away. We will sign the paperwork for the house on Saturday. Oh wait, I mean I will sign and then have to fax it to Tom for his signature. Geesh, what an ordeal.
Natalie has had to sleep in my room the last few nights as her room has been "in process" since Tuesday. Even though the room was officially ready when we got home from dinner, i put in her my bed anyway as the carpet installers were here until after 8:30. She thinks it's fujn to sleep with mommy, but mommy wakes up 2-3 times at night wondering how this little girl can make so much noise!!! Well, I better hit the hay too.
Natalie has had to sleep in my room the last few nights as her room has been "in process" since Tuesday. Even though the room was officially ready when we got home from dinner, i put in her my bed anyway as the carpet installers were here until after 8:30. She thinks it's fujn to sleep with mommy, but mommy wakes up 2-3 times at night wondering how this little girl can make so much noise!!! Well, I better hit the hay too.
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Day Before Tom Leaves
Well, Tom is packing and saying goodbye tonight! Natalie is panicked because it is 8:00 and she is not in bed! She is asking Tom to help her hurry and get her shirt off so she can get to bed on time. I hope it stays this way after Tom leaves. We had a final dinner together tonight and Tom had a huge T-Bone. Won't be having any like that for awhile.
We tried unsuccessfully today to get the SlingBox set up at Baughn's house. A SlingBox let's us use the internet to watch a cable box here in the US while we are in China. Guess we'll watch 5 year old HBO movies for 3 years!
Natalie and I are going to get up early and take Tom to the airport. His flight leaves at 8:30 so we have to leave here by 6:00 am. Yuk. Better get some shut-eye!
We tried unsuccessfully today to get the SlingBox set up at Baughn's house. A SlingBox let's us use the internet to watch a cable box here in the US while we are in China. Guess we'll watch 5 year old HBO movies for 3 years!
Natalie and I are going to get up early and take Tom to the airport. His flight leaves at 8:30 so we have to leave here by 6:00 am. Yuk. Better get some shut-eye!
Monday, January 1, 2007
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