Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 8 #Trust30 - Five Years by Corbett Barr

There will be an agreement in whatever variety of actions, so they be each honest and natural in their hour. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

What would you say to the person you were five years ago? What will you say to the person you’ll be in five years?
To the person I was 5 years ago:
Why are you spending so much effort on your career? What is the objective of your efforts? Promotions? Money? Recognition? Figure that out before you spend more time building without a plan.Take time and evaluate the decisions you are making. Invest more effort in your relationships with friends and family. Might want consider studying Mandarin in case you agree next year to quit your job and move to China!
To the person I will be in 5 years:
I'm proud of your decision to take life on in a more direct manner. You made some mistakes at the beginning, but your mistakes helped you determine the right paths to take. Your success has allowed your entire family to evolve towards the type of people they want to be. You need to keep looking at the goals and adjust them as you change. Your continued investment in yourself is key to ensuring your enabling your own satisfaction the best of your ability. Good thing you learned your Mandarin characters since that best selling business book you want to read on the Kindle is in Mandarin!!!

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