Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 11 #Trust 30 - Divine Idea by Fabian Kruse

Imitation is Suicide. Insist on yourself; never imitate. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Write down in which areas of your life you have to overcome these suicidal tendencies of imitation, and how you can transform them into a newborn you – one that doesn’t hide its uniqueness, but thrives on it. There is a “divine idea which each of us represents” – which is yours?
20 days left? Harder and harder. Though this is not that difficult. I have been feeling this imitation feeling for awhile. Well, I did take a break from this behaviour by NOT WORKING for a year. But not sure that this was the method that Mr. Emerson would suggest we utilize to eliminate imitation. No worries, I HAVE A PLAN! 

I spent a lot of my career working with Business and IT executives. I was lucky enough to work with many, many intelligent individuals. How to align IT to business goals. How to ensure IT supports the business directions. How to ensure spending on IT is appropriate and value-driven. Years spent trying to ensure that technology was supporting the business. Looking at IT Benchmarks and aligning to the companies that were spending the "right" amount on IT. Imitation. Not innovation. Imitating the best companies. Not creating new models or changing the paradigm.

Since I have put myself out on the limb and committed myself to doing something on my own, I see that eliminating imitation from this new self-reliant direction will by definition make me both happy and successful. Of course I am a huge Seth Godin fan (or I wouldn't be participating in this #Trust30 project!), and one of his favorite quotes of mine is "We succeed when we do something remarkable." And isn't this only possible if you choose not to imitate? So, I am going to take on IT Business Alignment. I want to transform this into Business Alignment and eliminate the need to classify with the Information Technology in front of it. It doesn't make sense. We do that because that is what most executives ask for. So, I don't need to detail it out here. But I do think I might have found a way to get really excited about the opportunity I am now publicly committed to.

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