Friday, April 13, 2007

A note from the “Man of the House”

Just thought I would leave a quick note about my family’s transition to China. I know that Shelly is very happy here in China. She is enjoying 98% of her time being able to spend time with Natalie. She is also enjoying exploring this country (or city, so far).

Natalie seemed very happy but she confirmed it with me today. When asked, she always states that she is happy. She does talk a lot about seeing her grandparents. She even told me the other day where she is going to buy a house when we move back (Angel – you better hope the house across the road from you sells in the next 3 years). But overall, she is very happy.

Well today we received our sea shipment (or semen shipment as Natalie has been saying the past couple of days). I was there when they delivered the 47 boxes. I left when there were 47 boxes to be opened and items unpacked. Not exactly – before I left to go to work, Shelly and I unpacked a few items. Due to some mis-calculations we decided that one of the box’s contents could go back into the box and go into our storage room. Natalie was watching us and asked what we were doing putting stuff back into the box. I told her that we changed our mind and that we were moving back to the US. She quickly retorted that she did not want to move back to the U.S. and that she was very happy here in China.

That took a lot of guilt off of my chest. So far, so good. Three months complete with only thirty-three to go.

1 comment:

Diane said...

And so I suppose "That is your story and you're sticking to it???"