Wednesday, April 18, 2007

My “Hoosier License” has been renewed

Believe it or not but I just listened to the latest Mellencamp album for the first time this week. Most of you know that I am a huge Mellencamp fan. To wait for three months after one of his albums had been released is unheard of. That just illustrates how my life has changed and new priorities are in place. I listened to the songs this past weekend on Shelly’s Zune (very cool device). I liked it but couldn’t really focus on it – music or lyrics. I asked Shelly to burn a CD with the album on it so I could listen to it riding back and forth to work. I am usually on the phone during the ride so I really don’t have a great opportunity to listen to it but I decided I was going to take time.

The Mellencamp album is called Freedom Road. Mellencamp has been anti-Bush for about 6 years now. Too political for my taste but I respect his opinion. Matter of fact, my brother Tim has had his fill of Mellencamp and doesn’t care to listen to his music anymore. I think that is a little extreme but then again my brother has a hard time keeping long-term relationships (just joking brother).

Well this morning I gave the CD to the driver. He ejected the “best of Michael Bolten” CD and inserted mine. Since I didn’t really listen to it I didn’t realize what was about to happen. You see, my driver probably thought it was odd that I gave him a CD to play after 4 months our driver/passenger relationship.

Mellencamp’s lyrics are definitely about America and the need to get back to grass-root beliefs, values, and politics. About the second or third song titled “We are Americans” or something close to that.

Here is an excerpt from the lyrics

I like my heroes
To be honest and strong
I wear t-shirts
And blue jeans
I try to understand
All the cultures of this world
I'm an American from the Midwest

When I speak I have a southern drawl
I mind my manners most of the time
When you come down here
Stop and stay hello
I'm an American from south of the Mason Dixon line

I'm an American, I'm an American
I respect you and your point of view
I'm an American, I'm an American
And I wish you good luck with whatever you do
I'm an American, I'm an American

The chorus is repeated several times during the song. Since my driver understands minimal English, I assume that he only understands the word “American” from the lyrics. I know he understands the word “American”. So to him this is what he heard

Noise noise American, noise noise American
Noise noise noise noise noise noise noise
Noise noise American, noise noise American
Noise noise noise noise noise noise noise
Noise noise American, noise noise American

He probably thought I gave him some pro-American propaganda and was trying to convert him to the Western ways of life. I wonder what he really thought of the album. A big clue probably was when we arrived to the office. He ejected the CD and gave it back to me. I guess he didn’t care to listen to it while he sat in the car for 12 hours waiting for me to leave for home

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