Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Real Life with an Ayi

Many of the emails I get from all of you imply that Ayi does everything for us! Tom also partakes in taking these "shots" at me when he gets home from work and on the weekends. Well, I am here to set the record straight and provide some insight into what life is like with full-time help. First of all, we all make our own beds every day, well, maybe not on Sundays. That is something that I did not ever do before! Tom and I were really bad about only making our when the cleaning service was coming and when we changed our sheets. And Natalie has to make her own too. Since I have started making my new king-size bed, I now wonder why I keep so many extra pillows on it! I also make most of our meals. Natalie's breakfast, our lunch, and dinner for all of us. One thing that is really nice is having the time to pancakes for Natalie on a week day! What a splurge. I still make extra and freeze for regular, but it is nice to have the time. Let me see, what else... Oh yeah, sometimes on the weekend we have to take out the trash AND do a few loads of laundry. OK, I am lucky. I have gone from thinking I would not need one, to appreciating the fact I have one. The privacy was what we most worried about, but that was really only weird for the first couple of weeks. She watches me cook and helps me with the interesting new things I bring home. For example, I have never had water chestnuts that were not out of a can. She showed me that I needed to rinse before cutting. Tom is worried about what this luxury will mean when we move back. I told him NO WORRIES. I am bringing her home with me!

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