Monday, April 2, 2007

Is the war over?

The other night I was making a quick shopping stop at the local Carrefour. I was carrying a hand-basket and out of the corner of my eye I saw this quick maneuver by someone. I quickly looked over and saw this man who looked to be about 45 years old approaching me from about 6 feet away. Approaching is putting the term mildly. I managed to watch this man come at me with his cart and ram my right leg. I watched the cart hit my leg and looked up at the man with a bewildering look. Maybe I was looking for an apologetic look. Instead I received this grin…this evil grin. This man felt as if he took down the American empire all himself.

I decided that he could win this battle and I quickly returned to my shopping. I glanced a few times over my shoulder and saw him still standing there with his cart looking at me with great pride of his accomplishment.

Very odd!

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