Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Living the Simple Life

I know it has been awhile since blogging. Our sea shipment arrived last Thursday and we (well, really I!) have been pretty busy sorting through what arrived. Geesh, why did I pack that many coats? I bet I brought 14 coats for our family. That is ridiculous. And I probably should have brought more western food items. So, that has kept us busy! Natalie and I did get to the Shanghai Science & Technology Museum. That is a really nice place. A lot of the verbiage on the exhibits is in Mandarin, but Natalie's too young to worry about cold fusion and what DNA is composed of.

One thing that did arrive in abundance was Natalie's toys. Goodness. I don't remember having that many toys at home, where did they all come from? We converted an extra room downstairs into her playroom. I haven't seen her in days. I hope she is still in there! The room had another desk in it as well as a nice bookshelf. We converted the table into an art table and covered with a vinyl tablecloth so she could play at it. She has her puppet stage set up in a corner and her little pop-up house in there as well. She rediscovered her old leap pad and has been playing all the games constantly.

So what else? Oh yeah, I am now sometimes DAYS early for appointments as opposed to my life last year when sometimes I was LATE by days. Last week Natalie and I went to ballet class A DAY EARLY. No kidding. It took me a few minutes of wondering why the room where ballet was the week before now had a sign that said "Street Jazz". Since it was only our 2nd class I thought maybe they just moved them around. Then all of a sudden I realized that we were there on Wednesday as opposed to Thursday. What a goof. And then in the rush to leave and reduce the embarrassment, we left Natalie's crocs so I had to go back later and get them. I am sure the girls who work there, who seem to know everyone, wondered what a child with a ballerina outfit was doing there! Then last night I was online promptly at 8:30 for our Family Call. Angel, Jennifer, Mom, and I scheduled a once a week Skype chat. At 8:31 I started wondering why no one was logged in. I thought that was weird since Mom had confirmed that day that everyone would be on. So I sent an email to all saying "Where are you???". At 8:35 I got impatient and called my mother on her home phone. As I was waiting on the phone to ring, I suddenly realized that the call was for Thursday, not Tuesday. Oh well. I got to talk to my parents anyway!

I want to send a special thanks to my friends Julie, Kim, Diana, and Diane. They are right now packing up an awesome care package for delivery to us via another Delphi employee who is traveling here to Shanghai next week. We found a few things that just could not be easily found so I sent them a list, they shopped, paid, and are taking care of getting it here. Now that is the the kind of service I am getting used to. I will probably make the Ayi put everything away when it arrives (that was a joke).

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