Friday, April 13, 2007

More to come…..

Natalie received her bike in her sea shipment. Last night, I went out to the road and watched her ride around.

A quick history lesson concerning Natalie and bikes. She got her bike on her 3rd birthday. She had only used it a couple of days when she rode off the edge of the driveway and it fell on top of her. Her pride was injured more than her body but when she got up, she walked into the garage while stripping off her helmet and pads, and announced that she was done with biking forever. She has a good memory because she had no interest in the bike during her 4th year.

Now in China, she has noticed that everyone has a bike and kids her age are riding through our complex. I was hoping she would try again. Sure enough she was interested. She did a good job riding her bike and was making sure the boys down the street saw her. After about 20 minutes it was time for dinner. Shelly had left her bike outside and I went to get it so I could put it in the garage. I got to the front entry of the garage. The driveway to our garage is short (about 20 feet) and really steep. I told Natalie that we needed to put our bikes away. She said OK and all of a sudden she zipped by me on her bike and started down the steep driveway. I saw the trouble coming. She couldn’t stop and she was going at a pretty fast rate of speed. The bike crashed and she went flying but not as far as her shoes. Her crocs went two different directions but she went straight down. It didn’t look very bad but I could tell she was not feeling good.

To cut to the chase….she now is an owner of a black and blue elbow with a serious scrape. Two bruises on her back with scrapes to accompany them. On one her shoulder and one on her lower back.

Pictures to come and more on damage control

1 comment:

Diane said...

Well for sure when I come visit now, I will have two return tickets!!!