Friday, February 16, 2007

Left the Snow, Enjoying the Rain?

I have left the very cold and snowy north for the much warmer south Florida. Though most of the snowbirds (my family included!) think that it is too cold and rainy, I think they have forgotten that up North the weather is a lot worse. It was only 17 degrees when I got out of the car at the airport. I was so happy to get down here to see Natalie. She has been so good about all of the moving around the last few months. She did miss me a little more than she used to!

University Moving & Storage got everything packed up for us during the bad storm Tuesday. I was afraid they would not make it out the driveway with all of the sleet and snow. They had the garage and front doors propped open to ease the removal of boxes and furniture and as the temperature dropped outside, it got cold inside the house. By the time they left around 4:14, the house was a chilly 49 degrees inside! I had a few more hours of cleaning and sweeping and then left for Julie's around 6pm. It was sad to see the house empty after we had worked so hard to get it decorated the way the we liked it! It took me almost 40 minutes to get to Julie's house. There was sleet and snow coming down still and there was lots of snow still on the roads. My little rental did OK, though I was very glad I had grown up driving in snow as there was quite a bit of slipping and sliding. I finally got to Julie's and enjoyed a great meal of BBQ ribs that she had prepared. YUM! YUM!

On Wednesday, the flight left on time, thank goodness. I got to Florida around 3pm, and to my in-laws around 4:15. Thursday morning I drove down to Fort Myers to see my parents. It is a little rainy, but who cares? Natalie doesn't as you can see in the picture. And yes, we let her play in the puddles in the street. Also, last night we got to see Purdue beat IU at the Dockside Sports Pub over by the beach. YEAH! There were lots of IU fans there so it made it even better. My step-sister Donna and my Aunt Connie and Aunt Nancy were there too. So, it was quite the family reunion. I am really enjoying having this bit of time to relax. Oh, and today is Friday isn't it???

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