Thursday, February 8, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me...

I am down to the last week in Dayton. The first few days of this week have been busy with the final packing. Up until 9:00 am this morning (Wednesday the 7th) I thought it was the 8th and the movers were coming! It all started with losing Sunday to a hangover! Though yesterday was my birthday, so not sure why I thought today would be the 8th! As I told my friends, I guess two days out of work, and I have lost the ability to keep track of the days already! Geesh. Well, anyway, I worked my behind off yesterday to get ready for this morning. So, now I am ready!

Speaking of my birthday. We were supposed to go out (Julie, Kim, Diane, and Diana) but it started snowing yesterday afternoon and by 4pm we had quite a mess here in Dayton. It took folks hours to get home. So I had hotdogs and popcorn last night for dinner! How exciting!!! So we rescheduled for tonight. Unfortunately now Diana is sick and Diane still has bad roads and is going to play it safe. We are going to check out a new restaurant, the Café Istanbul at the Greene. I am sure it will be good. But now it is starting to hit home that I will be leaving soon...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I can't believe the rotten luck with the weather and the flu! I'm going to miss you, girl! I hope you have a great trip. This is such an awesome opportunity for you guys.

Your web cam buddy,