Monday, November 14, 2011

Shark Jump? Probably

The complete series of Law & Order was just released on DVD. $699.99 for a full set of Law Order DVD's??? Who in the heck would even CONSIDER paying that much? Maybe anyone living in China with access to cheap DVD's and technically savvy households using Torrents to keep abreast of current entertainment are the only people who think this is crazy. I think it is just another example of the old media consumption model being used without regards to the model which truly represent how the current generations consume media. While it is fabulous that there are some special tidbits only included in the set, does that outweigh the cost of $699.99? And if I did buy them, I would probably want to watch them on a tablet, so I would be left ripping the dvd's for days so that I could upload to my ipad through itunes for viewing. Puhlease... Please let me know if you added this item to your xmas wish list...

'Law & Order': A 104-Disc DVD Set & 10 Top 'Ripped From the Headlines' Eps | TheWrap TV:

'via Blog this'

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