Friday, November 18, 2011

Daily Picture Grade 4 - Day 56

Posting late! Very busy these last two days. Thursday was a field trip with the 4th Grade to the MagLev (fast train to airport). Of course I went! But it turned out to be a long, crappy day. Started when I got up. I left the bag with Natalie's and my snack and lunches at the house. Oops. Natalie had begged me to go but refused to sit with me on the bus. Our class left a man behind on the platform (well, he was actually a nine-year old boy and his mom was with him). The rest of the group had snack, Nat and I watched them eat. Natalie's blood sugar dropped (this is my diagnosis) and decided she couldn't go on without food (there was none). She trooped on, leaving a trail of sadness and guilt (mine) behind. When we got back to school, there was to be a picnic lunch, so I boogied home and got her lunch back to her classroom. But she wasn't there. Her friend said she was getting hot lunch in the cafeteria. I headed down and she said she was sorry, but she was totally starving and couldn't wait. So my boogie was for naught. Headed back to the house and got a call from, well, I will leave out the name to protect the innocent. After getting the life sucked out of me (protecting the innocent), I got in the car and headed to an electronics market to buy a monitor for my laptop. (all my Shanghai friends just went, "yeah, that sucks") Whew. When I got back, I decided that I was in control of how the rest of the day went. So, when Natalie got home, I told her we were going out for dinner to either Hooters or a good Sushi place. She picked Sushi. Good Choice. So we ate good sashimi, had a few laughs, and left our bad days in the rain outside the restaurant. Goodbye Thursday.

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