Saturday, January 8, 2011

Tell Us What We Need to Know or FIND IT YOURSELF

Was reading some of my favorite blogs and ran across a link to a slidesshow from the Florida State Attorney's Office regarding the Foreclosure rate in Florida. For many of you who are inundated with news regarding National politics (please don't publish any more Boehner crying stories), you may ask yourself why the media determines to focus on Obabma's or Congress's inability to solve the Financial Crisis instead of communicating the REAL reasons behind Florida having the 2nd highest foreclosure rate in the Nation. Is this a political issue? I think not. It is a corruption issue that stems from greed. Interested in what other think the solution is for this ongoing issue. How can we ensure that your average Joe living in Tampa is aware that Linda Green might be more responsible for their real estate issues? Local broadcast news? Maybe. National broadcast news? Unlikely unless someone blames Congress or Obama (as of right now Huff Post and Fox haven't done that, but it is early!). Google? Only if you search for "Florida Real Estate Fraud" and you don't know it is fraud! Alas, I think we are left with few channels to ensure the message is told. I mean really, how many of read this potentially "viral" slideshow and understand more than a smattering of the jargon? Be honest. So Average Joe stands little change of getting it.

As usual, my point is to GET INVOLVED LOCALLY in your goverment. If your county is reporting financial issues, FIND OUT WHY. Do it on your own. Don't expect the media to do it for you!!

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