Sunday, January 30, 2011

Book Recommendation: A Strange Stirring by Stephanie Coontz

Just started reading A Strange Stirring:  The Feminine Mystique and American Women at the Dawn of the 1960s. This is a fabulous book! I have to admit though, I have never read the Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan. The Strange Stirring is a biography of that book. 

I am also currently reading The Hangman's Daughter by Oliver Pötzsch which is also a fabulous. However, most of the book is about how poorly human beings treated other human beings. And mostly it is about how men used accusations of "witchcraft" to oppress and abuse women.  Plus, I have been known to curse at the TV when watching Mad Men and either seeing how men treat women or how women thought of themselves. My friends and I have had some interesting conversations on Feminism and what that actually means to my generation. I like to remind Natalie that women have only been able to vote in the United States since 1920. I am not sure she actually believes me.

Would be interested to hear from those of you who lived through this have different thoughts or if you share her observations. 

1 comment:

Shelly Bramer said...

Also, there is a fabulous NPR Fresh Air Podcast on this book. Check it out!