Thursday, January 6, 2011

Daily Picture Project - Day 80

We made a deal with Natalie earlier this year: if she did good in school, finished homework, and was responsible for home chores, we would CONSIDER getting her hamster as a pet. I say "we" though in reality Tom was not really on board with this idea. But, she has met her goals and Santa confirmed at Christmas that she in fact has earned her hamster ownership opportunity. In fact, she wrote up a contract that she, Tom, and I had to sign that included the details associated with the procurement and care of this hamster. Anyway, this weekend we are buying the thing and so she got a book on mice and rats (she swears hamster care is the same!) and has been busy reading and preparing to be a hamster owner. So this morning, she was too busy studying the book to be bothered with a metaphor picture!
"If you interrupt my hamster research again, I will Karate chop you!"


Anonymous said...

Andrew has been asking for a hamster for his birthday, which is the 16th. I TOTALLY freaked! NO WAY. You are a better Mom than me!


Shelly Bramer said...

Hamster is really doing well. Easy way to get into the Pet Ownership business.