Monday, January 16, 2012

Daily Picture Grade 4 - Day 86

Not much of a photo today. I was annoyed that when I checked in her bag this morning, there was homework that was to have to been completed over the weekend (I know, it stinks that she has weekend homework in 4th grade, but we are in Asia for goodness sake!). So priority this morning was on completing that. It will be good to have this picture as a memory. Hopefully it will soon be a distant memory! At least I could use her real quote this morning.

Today she is trying out for the 4th grade musical. Singing audition. She really wants to be in the play, but was a little concerned that most parts were singing. I love her, but not much of a singer. Then she realized that she can use a Christmas song as her audition song, so she is singing Joy to the World. Not sure she will get a part, but I am super proud of her even trying out. Hard to believe this is the same girl who used hide at parties!
"Math homework? I had Math homework?"

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