Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Daily Picture Grade 4 - Day 77

Back to school! Though we had a wonderful holiday. It has been a year since the three of us have taken a vacation together (and in that Tom became quite the travel snob, but that's another post). We of course missed our family. Christmas is a different holiday for us when we are so far away. And another year gone by. Sadly, my blogging has become non-existent. My goal in 2012 is to a bit more writing. I already post a picture every school day. So not much more effort to add a few more words. But later today as I am cleaning out the pantry and have 8 boxes of crackers, 3 cans of pumpkin seeds, 4 bags of dried fruit I have been hoarding for some type of muffin bake-off, and a liter of salsa I have to find room for! Happy New Year to all of you!

Oh, and let me explain the caption. She was telling me some really long story about a dream she had last night. I really don't know if this was the actual quote but I do know it had something to do with mice, her school bus, and how in dreams everything fantastic seems average. I wish I was 9 again.
"...and so the mice were waiting for me when I got off the school bus. And in my dream I though that was perfectly normal!"

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