Saturday, June 5, 2010

iPad Exerience - Week 3

The iPad (not sure about ownership anymore!) is slowly finding its niche in our home. Don't read into that comment that I love the device yet, but I am thawing! And maybe it is because I knew that a tablet would fit into our computing gaps.

I love using it for email. My Gmail renders a bit different than in Chrome, but I find it easier to use than my Android phone for anything more than a quick check. Sure, using the smallish screen on my Hero is fine if I am checking to see who is bringing the cupcakes to the class party, but it is not easy to write more than three or four sentences of response. The other thing the tablet does is to make my email reading a more "casual" and I feel less pressured to respond to the big ones. I keep that for my morning email ritual. I also use it for perusing through my articles on Google Reader. I have a lot of sites I loke to take a look at occassionally and I find the ability to take the iPad out to the porch (with a glass of wine!) is a favorite thing to do now. Only complaint is the inability to read the iPad with any sunlight. Even our table umbrella doesn't always do the job!

The other thing we use if for is playing games and watching the occasional YouTube video. Plus guests who visit like to pick it up and play with it too. Still working on the NetFlix connection!

So, I guess we'll keep it...

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