Sunday, June 6, 2010

BBQ Cabbage Slaw Recipe

Made slaw for a party yesterday and realized my old standby recipe for a good dressing had actually not been a recipe at all, it was the Marzeti Slaw Dressing you could buy in the states. No good for me here in Shanghai! So, I adapted a few recipes I use for other summer salads into one that could enhance the slaw. 

Nothing fancy here. Simple slaw and a sweet sour mayo dressing. But as I was putting it together, I spent some time thinking about what this slaw could become, if you made some minor modifications! So, I spent today playing with it and appreciate the versatility of a simple side dish like slaw. You know me, I rarely use a recipe as is, especially if it was not mine to begin with! So this is a perfect one to play with. The cayenne adds just a tiny kick. If you are worried about spice, leave it out, but I assure you, there is so little used here you will not taste spice!

The addition of raisins added another texture and really added some sweetness. That was probably my favorite variation. Adding the sesame oil and cilantro transformed it into the Asian style slaw that I normally serve alongside my Soy Lime chicken. Well, almost. I add peanuts to the slaw, but didn't like that as much with this version, so I left them out. This slaw would also be great on top of pulled pork sandwiches. Didn't try that yesterday, but I think it would be great. If you use it that way, I would go with more of a chop to the slaw to ensure you can easily consume from inside of a bun!

By the way, did you know that China produces 36,335,000 tonnes of cabbage each year? And there are so many types to choose for! Today I used simple green and purple cabbage, but there were lots of other choices. I think I will try a few others with this recipe. 

But some other day. I think I have had enough slaw for now!

BBQ Cabbage Slaw
2 1/2 lb green cabbage, cored and cut into 3-inch chunks, then finely chopped or shredded
1/2 lb purple cabbage, cored and cut into 3-inch chunks, then finely chopped or shredded
1 large carrot, coarsely grated [Squeeze extra juice from carrots with your hands]
1 1/4 cups mayonnaise
1/3 cup cider vinegar
2 teaspoons sugar
1 ½ teaspoon celery seed (optional)
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
fresh ground pepper to taste

Toss all vegetables in a large bowl. Whisk together vinegar and sugar until sugar is dissolved, then mix in mayonnaise. When ready, toss with slaw. Chill, covered, stirring occasionally, at least 1 hour (for vegetables to wilt and flavors to blend).

Do ahead: Slaw can be chilled up to 1 day. Add dressing an hour before serving.

Add 1 cup raisins (golden would look nice!).
Add 2 teaspoons Asian sesame oil and ½ cup chopped cilantro.
Add 1 large green bell pepper and 1 small red onion, both finely chopped
Serve ¼ cup of slaw on top of BBQ sandwiches

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