Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Run away from the naked American

This weekend, I had a reminder of a funny situation that I was involved with a few months ago.

Earlier this winter I was using our clubhouse’s sauna. I usually prefer the steam room but it had been broken for several months (but that is a different story for a different time). I, unlike many of the natives, prefer to wear a swimsuit when I am in the sauna or steam room. This particular day, I was just relaxing in the sauna trying to get it really hot. I was standing by the coals pouring water on them to generate the dry heat. I was alone in the sauna. Both the sauna and the showers are in a separate space from the lockers. I heard a knock on the outside of the locker room door and a lady’s voice asking if anyone was in the locker room (loosely translated from Chinese). I realized it was the ayi (ayi’s do the cleaning) coming in to dump the waste baskets and mop the floor. Well, I didn’t respond because I was in the separate room and I was wearing shorts. About 20 seconds later she enters the sauna area and she sees me in the sauna. She said something in embarrassment and quickly departed the locker room. And I do mean quickly, she physically ran from the locker room. I laughed to myself and thought that Management must have instructed her to never be in the room when guests are present.

Now fast forward 20 minutes. I have alternated between the sauna and the hot tub. Very relaxing! By this time, there is now an Asian man – naked – in the sauna with me. He leaves the sauna and is standing in the room cooling off – again naked. About this time the ayi has entered the locker room to complete her task that she tried earlier. She probably assumed that I would be gone by now. Anyway, she walks into the sauna room where I am in the sauna and the Asian man is still standing – still naked. Now, instead of shrieking and running from the locker room due to the presence of a guest, she stands there and has about a 5 minute conversation with the man who just stand there bare-butt naked without even a towel.

It was so odd or I should say, their behavior was so odd. She sees the American (dressed) and runs. She sees the Asian (naked) and stops and has a conversation.

I now assume that she has been instructed not be around a Westerner in this type of situation. As far as the Asian, standing there naked in front of an ayi is no problem but I guarantee you that if it was a person of a higher class than an ayi then he would have run or covered up.

People kind of get use to having the ayis being around in the most personal situations. At work, we have female ayis who practically live in the restrooms cleaning. At first, I was very reluctant to use the facilities when they were present. Now, it is no issue to be using the urinal while the ayi cleans the next urinal over. I have even gotten to a point where I have simple conversations with them in Chinese while I am using the urinal.

I think I have graduated and am ready to try a bath house.

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