Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Natalie Loses Her First Tooth

Well, it finally happened. Natalie's loose tooth came out today at school. She got bumped in the mouth by another student and VOILA it fell out! It surprised me today when my cell phone rang at 5:02. She had brownies after school and she is usually not home on brownie day until 5:20. She had rushed home to tell me about some good news and bad news. The good news was that she had lost her tooth. The bad news was that she had lost it! Somewhere along the way, she had misplaced it and it did not make it home. But, she had a plan! She was going to write a letter to the tooth fairy and explain what happened. She was calling to tell me that I HAD to print it for as soon as I got home! Funny little girl.

When I got home around 6.30, she had written the note already. I guess she had decided she couldn't trust the computer! Dad had printed a couple of the pictures that I have added here. She placed the note and the pictures upstairs on her nightstand along with her Tooth Fairy box (she got this special box from the Tooth Fairy when she was born so that she did not have to put teeth under her pillow!). We placed a teeny tiny note in the box to direct the Tooth Fairy to the note which explains why there is not tooth tonight! Lots of work for a bit of money!

She and I talked about how losing a tooth is "bittersweet" for a parent. Her Gammaw explained the "bittersweet" concept this summer to her. So she understands that while it was her "best thing" of the day, it was both my "best thing" and my "worst thing". Because it means she is in fact growing up. She looks so grown-up with the tooth missing!

Well, I better go and see of the Tooth Fairy made it here already...

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