Monday, July 23, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
An Online THANKS to My Artistic Friend DIANA TULLIO
Good-Bye... Sigh
Tom and Shelly and Natalie
have decided to leave the country.
They have packed their bags, and checked the nooks and crags
while racing about town frantically.
We have been planning our good-byes
amongst regrets and heartfelt sighs.
Except for some weirdo parent,
the Bramer's will leave with no apparent
need for anything but smiles and dry eyes.
Shelly gave notice at the old salt mine.
Then we drank all of Bill and Jeanne's wine.
A zillion lunches have come and gone, and
We have taken all occasions to "tie one on"!
Who will ever replace Shelly's penchant to dine?!
They will return some day.
We hope to visit them while they are away.
to go to China to live
is an opportunity not many would give,
so we will talk virtually and say...
Have a wonderful time in Shanghai!
We will miss you.
All our love,
5 Sisters
It definitely made me teary-eyed! (we had promised no tears). I finally received my drawings and card in one of the "care packages" that my wonderful friends sent
Big Sur - Part 2
Walk-a-bout rising
Surf and cliffs integrated
Heat, breeze, misty trail
Monday, July 16, 2007
Momma Mia - Natalie's First Musical
Friday, July 13, 2007
On Being a Momma Bird
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
City Cycling
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Hosting Our First Dinner Party
- Jing Jiang Rou Si (Pork with Leeks)
- Tu Dou Niu Rou (Beef with potatoes)
- Ma Po Dou Fu (Literally translates to Freckled Grandmother To Fu!)
- Shou Si Juan Xin Cai (Water Spinach with Pork)
- Hui Guo Rou (Twice cooked pork)
- Dou Fu Yu Pian (Fish with ToFu)
- Rou Yuan Tang (Pork Ball soup)
- Hong Jiao Rou Si (Pork with Peppers)
- Liang Ban Xi Heng Shi (Tomatoes with Sugar)
- Qing Jiao Tu Dou Si (Potatoes with Green Peppers)
Everyone had their own favorites. Personally I enjoyed the Jing Jiang Rou Si (Pork with Leeks) and the Qing Jiao Tu Dou Si (Potatoes with Green Peppers). I took the leftover potatoes and fried them up like hash browns this morning. Very spicy and tasty!!! At the end of the meal, I made everyone try my home brewed pijiu (beer) which I am not sure was received with the same enthusiasm as the rest of the dinner. Regardless, a great time was had by all, and no one was hungry! And we had plenty of leftovers Sunday. We also captured some good videos (Natalie did most of the recording so beware of low camera angles!), you can find them on our main china page. Unfortunately I did not complete all of the recipes, but will post as I fine-tune the details with our guests via email.
Making Zongsi with the Ayi
Friday, July 6, 2007
How long was Michael Jordan’s retirement?
But this week I decided to take a vacation day and go golfing with Shelly. Only in China, does one have to take a vacation day on July 4th (actually that would be the case in any country but the U.S.). I didn’t really have the urge to golf. I had a greater curiosity to try out the new golf clubs that Shelly and I purchased about a month ago. Shelly and I each purchased the latest model of Callaway gold clubs - knock-offs for about $150
I had been curious on how they would perform. Would they break? Would they having the same striking capability as my old set?
Well, I am glad to report that they are built very solidly. I know three things for certain; 1. the hosel is strong; 2. the toe of the club head is solid; 3. the shaft can withstand high G-forces.
Shelly and I ended up only playing 9 holes. We really weren’t prepared for the round of golf. First, it was tremendously HOT. Secondly, I didn’t bring any suntan lotion to protect my scalp. Third, we probably didn’t have time to finish 18 holes. Finally, I didn’t have enough golf balls to finish another 9 holes.
I better get to the point before Shelly does but Shelly beat me fair and square. I was even playing from the women’s tees. She out drove me, out hit me on the fairway, but I probably beat her once we got around the green chipping and putting. I was very proud of her game because she hadn’t played in over a year. Matter of fact, with a year’s rust we both walked to the tee-box without going to the driving range or even the practice putting green. Shelly did really well. My game yesterday reminded me why I had retired 328 days previous. But I had fun and I will play again.
As I indicated previously, the next time I will be better prepared. I need to buy some balls, a golf glove, some tees, and bring proper golf attire. They were not going to let me play because I was not wearing the proper golf outfit. The course requires a “golf shirt with a collar and sleeves”. I guess my Tommy Bahama golf shirt was not appropriate. It is odd because a Tommy Bahama golf shirt is probably more formal than a traditional golf shirt. It has a collar and buttons down the front - top to bottom. They told me that I had to change. I argued briefly but they said they would give me a shirt to wear instead. They brought me a long-sleeved turtle neck shirt. I went into the locker room to change. I couldn’t get it over my shoulders. I was ticked so I went back out and said that I wasn’t going to wear the shirt. Told them that I was leaving and to put the clubs in my car. Well, the starter quickly got permission that I could wear my own shirt this time but next time I had to comply. It is funny because not allowing me to play due to my shirt was similar to telling someone that they could not be admitted to a business casual dinner because they wore a jacket and tie. But that is China – rules are rules and you don’t break the rules
I'm back with a short story
I mentioned before that employees play ping-pong at lunch. The talent and skill are very good. I never play but I enjoy watching. There are always about 10 players waiting to rotate into the game. The table is right outside my office area. Today I was walking though the playing area and someone slammed the ball towards their opponent in play. The opposing player could not return the slam. I was watching and saw the action develop. The ping-pong ball was flying thru the air heading straight for my head (I was walking about 10 feet behind one of the players). Without breaking stride or showing any expression I calmly reached up with one hand and snagged the ball in mid-flight despite its very high rate of velocity. As I initially grabbed the ball I said to myself that people should be impressed by my skill and coordination. That was a short-lived thought because one-second later – the scenario changed. Oh, I still caught the ball but I also crushed the ball in my hand during the process.
Now there I was with the crushed ball in my hand with everyone looking at me. Yes, they were impressed with my athletic prowess but they also wanted their ball back. I panicked and quickly threw the crushed ball back to them without breaking my original stride.
When the ball landed on the table with a thud (instead of a ping) they all went “uh?” They interpreted my action as a sign of dis-satisfaction and the game quickly disbanded. Well, as of a result of their action I had to stop and apologize. I told them it was an accident and that they could keep playing. I think they understood but I guess they only had one ball – a flat one at that point.