Monday, March 26, 2007

First Day with Ayi

Well, our Ayi started today. Tom would probably say that I let it stress me out a little. And he is probably right. Who would have thought that a small-town girl from Indiana would someday be hiring someone to clean, cook, and babysit for our house full-time WHILE I wasn't working? Certainly not my mother. But I would have made mom proud as I worked alongside her for most of the day. I worked on scrubbing the baseboards which were gross. She kept telling me, "I do tomorrow" but what else was I going to do today? Anyway, she did a great job. Still can't pronounce her name right, but she has Natalie's down pat. Mainly she worked today on the main floor, though she did get the floors and all stairs vacuumed and mopped. It made me a lot more humble to have my hands in dirty water too, though to be honest, I probably would have taken nap after 4 hours! I had to go the full 6 today! Tomorrow I will probably not clean all day. I am adjusting better than I thought. Well, I am tired, better go hit the hay!

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