Friday, January 11, 2013

Amazon’s “AutoRip” Service Goes Live, Giving Customers Free MP3s For CDs Purchased On Amazon As Far Back As 1998 (Hands-On) | TechCrunch

Ok, this is a pretty cool thing. Amazon pushing the envelope in terms of music. Why? Because buying a CD now automatically gives you the MP3 versions (some limits). But more importantly, they are going to give you the MP3's for any CD you purchased in the PAST! Rockin'!  Another example of conceding margin to push the industry in a logical direction. Can't wait until my 1997 purchases of CD's show up. Sorry to Tom who just spent weeks ripping the music from our CD's manually!

Amazon’s “AutoRip” Service Goes Live, Giving Customers Free MP3s For CDs Purchased On Amazon As Far Back As 1998 (Hands-On) | TechCrunch:

'via Blog this'

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