Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Daily Picture Grade 4 - Day 5

Natalie did not have any clean shorts to wear to school today. She only has two and Monday's didn't get washed yesterday. That caused a meltdown this morning trying to get dressed. Her other options included pants, a skort and two skirts. None of these fit her required criteria for appropriate clothing to wear to school! And, she had to wear a white shirt as her blue ones were also dirty! (this coming from a child who will not wear matching socks!) Alas, I dug out Monday's shorts, smoothed the wrinkles, and folded them like clean ones. She accepted this like a long-awaited Christmas gift and the subsequent hug she gave me was almost worth the drama! After she put them on, she did state "I was a bit dramatic about that, wasn't I?". I take that as a good parenting moment!
"I overheard her saying she FELT DEAD!"

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