Thursday, August 18, 2011

Daily Picture Grade 4 - Day 1

First day of School. You can see from the title of this post that I have committed us to yet another year of Daily Pictures. I must be crazy. And of course, we can't do what we did before. Have to try something better and a bit more challenging. So this year we have a project in mind for our pictures. We want to use the daily window to tell a story this year. At the end of the year, we will combine each day into a "movie" that will tell the whole story. Unfortunately, you the daily visitor will only get a small bite every day! (Which is good since we haven't actually written the story yet!) The story is on the whiteboard and a bit hard to read. It will also be typed into the caption for the picture. This ought to be interesting...
"Today is the first day of Fourth Grade."

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