Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Starting a Service Business in China? Not so fast...

For those that have not heard, all of our Best Buys in China have closed down. Sad for me as it was the one place I could be assured to buy ink for my printer. After reading this analysis though, I am surprised they opened at all and more surprised they lasted as long as they did. I see Best Buy is now calling these stores "test stores". [I suggest if you have stock in Best Buy and are counting on the Asia Pacific market for future earnings to REALLY dive into the company's strategy...]

Shanghai Scrap » Bye-Bye, Best Buy (China): You had it coming. [UPDATED]

Anyone who visited a Best Buy store would definately agree that in a country of TERRIBLE service, these employees were even worse than normal. So if you are thinking of establishing your business in China, better actually have a plan! The funny thing is to read that Redmond Yeung (former COO of Best Buy China) is now at Gap China. Having made some trips to Gap China, all I can say is that the retail experience ranks right up there with shopping at Carrrefour in the middle of the morning with all the middle-aged Shanghaise ladies fighting for their turn at the weigh station.

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