Friday, October 8, 2010

Thought I would share the security email sent to us by our Villa's Management Office. Our compound has had a few break-ins in recent weeks. Primarly due to the fact that the National holiday was last week and people need MONEY! Anyway, I am not sure of the real Chinese translations say, but the Chinglish ones are good!

Security Precaution Notice

Dear tenants and landlord,

In order to ensure all tenants and landlord’s safety, we provide some suggestions, also hopes all live here happy.

1、               请关好门窗,尤其在夜间和家中无人期间,确保所有玻璃移门及车库门锁好。
Please close all the windows, especially during the midnights and nobody at home, ensure all the sliding doors and garage door closed.

2、               建议在大门、车库通往室内的门上安装插销,确保临睡前插好插销。
Suggest install bolt in the main door and the door which can through from garage to indoor area. Ensure close all bolts before sleep.

3、               建议所有的移门安装扣锁,确保移门无法被推开。
Suggest install second locks on all the sliding doors, ensure it can not be opened.

4、               如家中安全报警系统已坏的,及时报修给业主并修理。如外出度假的,确保一定把报警系统调试到工作状态。
If the public security system was broken, please report to your landlord and repair it timely. If you go on holiday, ensure the public security system works.

5、               建议外出度假的租客和业主,不要在家中留有贵重物品。
Suggest do not leave valuables in the house when you go on holiday.

    Hopes everyone happy in Vizcaya

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