Friday, October 15, 2010

Daily Picture Project - Day 37

Today is the Autumn Carnival at school. Due to a, well, let's call it Halloween phobia, the school does not allow Halloween Parties anymore. Instead, they have an elementary school festival with games, prizes, etc. The theme for this year is "FUN". It is free dress (no uniforms). But also no scary costumes, no blood, no gore, no "missing body parts", no witches, no warlocks (i.e. Harry Potter), no heavy make-up, no scary masks, no weapons. Natalie hates costumes, so the plan was just to go as herself. But this morning she decided to go as a basketball player, then changed her mind and wanted to go as a cow girl. However, she totally stressed herself out and I barely got her out of the door in a simple US flag t-shirt and jeans. She was begging to put her uniform on! More on that later... Today's theme is "FUN"!
"No costume! I am having FUN now!"

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