Sunday, September 12, 2010

Going Local

Our good friends, Deb and Tim Spofford, invited us for an evening down at the Dongchang Riverfront Garden on the Huanpu river. For those of you not familiar with this pretty little spot, it is right next to the Yangjiadu Ferry near the Fuxing tunnel (Pudong side). Their invitation suggested we bring some chairs, some snacks, and some adult drinks. They promised that the location would provide us plenty of entertainment, though we brought along our LCR just in case! I apologize for the picture quality. I was using the Sony camera and was trying the ISO setting. Clearly I should have practiced a bit more as all my pictures were fuzzy!

The Bund is behind the Bum
Well, they were right! It is a wonderful location. I am pretty sure that Zhong Biao (our driver) thought we might be crazy when we had him stop at the Ferry pier and we unloaded chairs and a cooler. But then he probably thinks what we do is crazy most of the time. The location has some pretty nice views of WeiTan or The Bund. We arrived a little late, so we personally missed some of the early walkers/entertainers. My understanding is that we missed a woman singing in a leopard nightie. Apparently some song about Mao. She serenaded Tim and Deb. Sorry we missed that. We did see lots of walkers. Quite a few men in the requisite white t shirt, boxers, and black socks. This must be advertised as a great workout outfit somewhere!

Portrait with Bund Skyline
This woman has her "portrait" taken along the skyline abut 30 times. She was one of the few people not exercising. Well, besides us. Unless you count drinking a sport (I think only in Germany or Wisconsin is it a sport). 

There were several people doing boardwalk pushups which consisted of grabbing the boardwalk railing, extending their body away from the rail, and then doing push ups. Seemed a good use of what others might think is simply a railing!
In the background, you can see a guy doing boardwalk pushups!

Rebecca was jet lagged, not asleep!
Of course a lot of folks felt the need to stop and ogle the laowai (Foreigners). One guy stopped on his scooter and stared intensely at Rebecca for while. I am pretty sure that he thought a few foreigners had kidnapped her. Let me explain. Rebecca is Taiwanese and appears to be local. But let tell you, she is NOT! ha ha! But she was extremely jet lagged which I believe made her appear drugged and maybe the guy had seen this happen to pretty girls before. Anyway, after ensuring nothing strange was going on, he left.

So, it was a awesome night. Spending time with friends alone was probably great, but adding the ambiance, finding a new hangout, and getting local, all made for an awesome evening.

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