Thursday, September 30, 2010

Daily Picture Project - Day 29

Today Natalie was practicing for "JUMP for Toys". Concordia is hosting a fitness and a fund raiser to support Raising Hope International. Raising Hope International provides play equipment and education supplies to orphaned children worldwide. This events funds will be used to purchase play equipment for 12 indoor playrooms at ShanRao Orphanage in Jianxi Province. The students are part of a team in which they will take turns jumping rope for 50 minutes. If you want to sponsor a small amount of money, let me know! Be careful with your sponsoring from the US, it has to come out my wallet!
"Down in the valley where the green grass grows,  
There sat Natalie pretty as a rose. 
Up came Justin and kissed her on the cheek,
How many kisses did she get this week?"

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