Sunday, August 22, 2010

Natalie's 8th Birthday

Sharing some pictures from Natalie's 8th Birthday parties. This year, only three parties! I am pretty late at getting this done. And we didn't get all of our thanks you cards done yet either. But anyway, thought I would get this out.

Party number one was in Rochester with my family. We ate at Dinosaur BBQ (I highly recommend the mac and cheese) and surprised her with a cake, cards, and some impromptu gifts.

The second party was at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Uncle Tim and Uncle Ted joined us too. 

When we got back, the Ayi also has a gift for Natalie. It was pretty cute!

The last party was here at our house in Shanghai. I actually baked a cake and Natalie helped decorate it. Tom took a picture as I am pretty sure this the only birthday I have ever baked her! Later, we took Natalie with some friends to Maya's, her favorite Mexican resteraunt in Puxi. 

Zhong Biao, our driver, also bought her a gift. A Haibao dancing doll. There is a picture of Natalie with her doll, but the video is much finnier! The doll sings 5 songs, one of which is Jingle Bells. The lyrics are different, but the refrain is recognizable. I love China!

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