Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ganbei With the World in Qingdao

So, spur of the moment, I've determined I am going to experience the 2010 Qingdao beer festival. Raquel & Tracey Thueme put the trip together and Deb Spofford needed a date.  In preparation, I have been taking special care of my kidney and liver, drinking only red wine, water, and green tea. In fact, my preparation has been similar to preparing for a trip to the Indy 500 or Kentucky Derby.

My list of items to take include:

  • "Beer" pajamas that Raquel and I had made for PJ-inspired Dinner Cruise - who knew I could wear them again!
  • US Flag tattoos for our faces and to ensure we are allowed into all tents with minimal hassle. Everyone knows American's are better drinkers than the German's.
  • Beer cozee. The question is which one. Might we be carrying around cans? Maybe litres? Shall I proclaim my love of University (Purdue) or pastimes (Margaritaville). THough since you can buy beer in a plastic bag, maybe the best cozee would be my iPad neoprene case?
  • Typed lyrics, in case I forget the words, to three karaoke "go-to" songs to use at public karaoke hot spots - Bohemian Rhapsody, Wonderwall, Paradise by the Dashboard Lights
  • Lots of tissues. I can only imagine what the bathroom situation is going to be like. Wish I'd borrowed a Trucker Buddy.
  • TWO Water bottles. Endurance is all about hydration.
  • Three SUPER cheap rain covers. It is supposed to rain this weekend. I don't want to have to slow down. Plus, with three, I can eliminate the hassle of trying to take them off without ripping them.

I checked out the official website and see that the activities on the Saturday that we are in Qingdao. Unfortunately, it was all in Mandarin. No matter, I have Google, so I let it translate for me. The main activities are (as translated to Chinglish by Google):

  • Personal blowing, big cup quick drink, drink a minute speed 
  • Women's blowing, big cup quick drink, drink a minute speed

I don't know that means, but I think I can win one of those!  

In the words of Frank Zappa, I "seek the path to the sudsy, yellow nozzle of their foaming, nocturnal, parametric, digital, whole-wheat, inter-faith, geo-thermal, terpsichorean ejectamenta"

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