Monday, May 17, 2010

Newest Member of the Bramer Family: iPad

Well, it finally happened. An Apple product was introduced into my home this past weekend! Apparently Tom had too much time and too much cash available during his most recent trip to the US. He felt compelled (maybe he was drunk?) to purchase an iPad. Being an IT Professional (no jokes), I have had a long time relationship with Microsoft and, eh, it's productivity tools. Hence the blog entry. Now I am not ignorant of Apple technology, I have simply chosen to ignore it up to this point. So, now this Microsoft Family is being forced to learn how to also hate and despise Apple (as if I have any frustration left after my Windows 7 upgrade!).

Enough lamenting. Thought I would use the blog to share my thoughts and learning. There are a lot of people out there considering such a purchase, so thought I might help by exposing, I mean sharing, our journey to integrate and use this technology in our MS home.

Day 1/2/3
Determined that the iPad will not connect to our current wireless routers that we are using in the house. Simply stated, the iPad requires wireless support of the latest wireless standard, 802.11n. (Check out the wiki for a  quick overview of what that means). Sounds reasonable, right? Well, our NetGear router does not support that version, nor did a router firmware upgrade help. Nor does the newer NetGear router upstairs, which I just purchased two years ago.  So at this point, we cannot access wireless inside our home.  

But we have determined it is a great to play Mahjong on! Natalie and I are competing to see who can finish the round the world game first! (I am winning)

More later...

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