I am not sure why I even jumped to read this article. The headline intrigued me as I was checking my geography facts to see if Vermont was actually on the border with Canada (I know, ignorant Midwesterner!). The government wants to spend $355 million to improve border stations with Canada. I know that border stations serve a purpose. But I am having trouble seeing the payback of this type of "investment". And this is Canada, I can't imagine what we spend protecting ourselves from Mexico. This isn't about Democrats versus Republicans, this did not just happen in the last few years.
As I read this, I couldn't help feeling that as Americans, we are missing the big picture. What are we protecting ourselves from? Another 9/11? Because I don't believe that there is enough money in the world to 100% ensure that. Drugs? Illegals? What does that even mean? Since I have a 7-year old, I like to think of ways to explain such complex issues, like protecting our borders. It sounds so... Silly. And the idea of building a wall? Hilarious.
So, this is just my view, it is not simple to get around these issues. I know they are complex and mired in politics. But I guess I just wonder what an average American might REALLY think of our borders. But you can't ask the ones who have been "informed" by our politicians or our media. I am afraid they are in fact no more "informed" than before they listened. Now they just have an position or opinion.