Monday, April 12, 2010

Shanghai Aquarium Visit

aq (12)Last week, the Concordia elementary school kids only had to go to school two days. So by Friday, they really needed to get out and let off some steam. There is only so much DS you can play! Suzanne Crew’s original plan was to head to the zoo. Unfortunately the Shanghai weather was not good that day and we decided having the kids tramp around in the rain and maybe ending up sick was not not worth it. (There are baby pandas there so we want to get to see them sometime!). So off to the Shanghai Aquarium!

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This was a cute picture of Aerin and Natalie. I have three other from this set with Natalie making goofy faces.

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Three penguin-huggers…

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Walking/running through the tunnel.

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It seemed like the kids ran and yelled through the whole tour. Or maybe it was just Natalie. Seemed to catch her every time with her mouth open telling someone to “look at this” or “this is so cool”. Needless to say they had fun. And the Coldstone Ice Cream afterwards helped seal it as a great day. The best part was that they were tired!!!

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This trip also turned out to be great way to get totally frustrated with how to manage the lighting when taking photos. I already was getting a bit testy trying to figure out how and when to flash, but this trip sealed it. I have included the few pictures that I took that seemed like I got it almost right. Even then, there is too much light on three of them.

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Oh, well. I guess that is the cost of improving a hobby or skill. Expectations just keep going up!

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Funny, but this turtle covered his eyes with his flipper after I flashed the camera right in his face!  Made me feel bad!

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