Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Discovery Channel from a 6-year old's Perspective

The other night, Natalie was watching the Discovery Channel and asked me for a pad a paper to take notes with. I am not exactly sure what the topic was on that particular show, it was something about your body and dreams. Here are her notes from the other night, mispellings and all:
  • Body made of water
  • Conection between penceil and soil
  • Find zink in bateres (there is a picture of a battery on the notepad)
  • We have to sleep or else we could die
  • While we sleep our body does tasks
  • You have forgoten stuff when you are busy, but when you sleep, you rember because you are to focused what you are doing when you do work

I think the last one is a good for all of us to remember!

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