Monday, September 3, 2007

We're Back... Diane's Arrival (one mth late!)

My mother comes to visit us here in China and my blog goes to hell! Well, maybe it not just her fault. But I am back now and determined to catch you all back up on what has been going on. My mom visited, Natalie turned 5, Natalie started school, I am looking for a part-time job, Natalie rode her first two-wheel bike, and Tom is in the U.S. So there, you are caught up!

OK, I will start with the highlights of Mom's visit. She was here from August 3-28. She had a great flight and Natalie was thrilled to see her at the airport. I was thrilled too! Our first visitor. We got her luggage and headed back to the house. Natalie had decorated a big sign that said "Welcome to Shanghai Gammaw" and I had hung it from the ceiling. Plus we had put fresh roses in her room along with some pictures I had made of Bob, Angel, and Jennifer so she wouldn't forget the rest of the family. Natalie basically hung out all afternoon and evening with Gammaw, playing on her bed with everything she had brought. The neatest gift that my mother brought was a scrap book she had made for Natalie. It is so beautiful! Any of you who know my mother know that she is a bit OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) so of course it was perfect! Mom says she made the book so that Natalie would not forget her and pappaw. Right, like that would happen. As you can see from the final picture, Natalie basically wore herself out!
I will get some more information out here on her visit. I promise it won't take so long!

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