Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Daily Picture Grade 5 - Day 17-25

What a busy two weeks! Between work, school, house activities, and football games, I have had not time to keep up with the publishing! BUT I did get the pictures. Well, except for two days. I was going to substitute but then decided it wasn't necessary.
Day 17
"I don't know why I didn't do this math, but it was probably Mom's fault."
Day 18 and 19 WERE MISSED! Though I did take pictures that day. So here are my substitutes!

Day 18 - I shopped for blanket at Kohls for Natalie's bed

Day 19 - Drove my Volt to work for first time!

Day 20
"More math. 5th grade stinks".

Day 21

"Picture day!"

Day 22
"Yet more homework being done in the morning"

Day 23
"Breakfast peek"
Day 24

Day 25
"Finally a happy camper!"

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Daily Picture Grade 5 - Day 16

I felt like she could have tried a bit harder to hide herself during hide and seek.
"Come and find me!"

Daily Picture Grade 5 - Day 15

In honor of 9/11, Natalie had to memorize a quote. Here is her somber face to go with the somber day.
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence in the experience where you look fear directly in the eye. You must do what you think you cannot do." ---Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Daily Picture Grade 5 - Day 14

This is the face of someone who told us she had no homework but did. Oh, and it was 8pm and she had NOT taken taken a bath yet. I may have to ban the ipad completely....
"I forgot and I was busy and I had the other thing to do and I finished the one thing but you told me to do that thing for the one book and I took a shower yesterday and I hardly sweat in P.E. and I can't be responsible as I am only 10 and ..."

Daily Picture Grade 5 - Day 13

Day late, but here nonetheless
"Of course I am ready for school..."

Friday, September 7, 2012

Daily Picture Grade 5 - Day 12

Busy day today. Natalie had intramural activities after school. Then she had an eye doctor appointment. Tom stayed home as we are having a new front door installed. Sold another item on Craigslist and Tom had to broker the transaction. And I went to my third day of work. We got an estimate tonight to get the rest of the house painted. I am loving the pace though. Now I remember why when you work Fridays are such a treat!
" God didn't make the little green apples, and it don't rain in indianapolis in the summer time."

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Daily Picture Grade 5 - Day 11

Yes, still getting the daily picture in, though it seems it may be required to publish after I get home. Natalie is doing great in school. Tom still has jet lag and remnants of his illness. I finished two days of work. Natalie doesn't leave for school until 8:15 so we are preparing for the day when both Tom and I have to leave before 8. That means she has to be 100% ready to walk out the door before we leave. That includes wearing her backpack around the house so she won't forget it!
"Dogs, Dogs, Dogs, Dogs, Dogs..."

Daily Picture Grade 5 - Day 10

Today was my first day back to work. I am now working for Sogeti as a consultant. Trading in my cleaning clothes for a suit. A continuing part of the transition back into the US. Too bad we can't get BWI to continue to pay our living expenses! Alas, back to the professional life for me. Leaving behind a life I probably won't ever return to. But "Hello paycheck!"
"Mom can buy me even more shoes now!"