Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Daily Picture Grade 4 - Day 142-146

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know! I went away for a week and did not make arrangements for a daily picture! Last year it would have freaked me out. But the new calmer, more adaptable Shelly is totally cool with missing a measly 5 pictures! In fact, I have "adapted" the theme and included 5 of my favorite old pictures of the little twerp! I think they capture the future personality and cover for last week quite nicely. Enjoy!
Day 142
"Always with a book!"
 Day 143
"Piano Player"
Day 144
"Dreaming of China way back when."

Day 145
"First Class Travel is a normal thing!"

Day 146

"She has always been and always will be my favorite GOOFBALL!"


Anonymous said...

I LOVE these photos! So adorable.

Shelly Bramer said...

Thanks Lynn. I am sure you will end up with a great set of your own favorites.