Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fresh Veggies in November

One of what I consider a major benefit of living in China is access to fresh vegetables. Yes, you read right. Access to fresh vegetables. We eat a large variety of veggies here than we did in the U.S. Eggplant, full size carrots (when is the last time you ate a non "baby" carrot???), bok choy, daikon, sweet potatoes (best on the street!), green beans as long as my leg, and all sorts of yummy greens.  I have been buying most of my veggies from the Vizcaya Market each Wednesday, or a small local grocery a block away. And I buy organic about half the time. Not so much that I am a "green" freak, but because a lot of the organic items are really fresh or seem to be anyway. This week I decided to order some items from an organic place here in Shanghai, Fields. You have been able to buy their items in a few places in town. They have been pusing their online ordering, so thought I would give it a try.

The ordering process was simple once I had registered. And I find the prices for most items about the same as the organics I buy elsewhere. And maybe a bit cheaper than City Shop for some items. I ordered the kinds of stuff I usually buy each week. Thought I would order, cook, eat, assess.  Here was my order.

Item No.Name(EN)Name(CH)PriceQtyTotal
V-001-0062Baby Swiss ChardCNY151CNY15
V-001-0034Organic Avocados牛油果CNY361CNY36
V-001-0013Large Carrot大胡萝卜CNY182CNY36
V-001-0043Shiitake Mushrooms香菇CNY121CNY12
V-002-0002Cilantro (Coriander)香菜CNY101CNY10
F-022-0011Australian Mango芒果CNY501CNY50
D-062-0002Free Range Eggs鸡蛋CNY251CNY25
  Shipping and Handling Fee :CNY0
  Cash On DeliveryTotal:CNY234

Not sure why I ordered an Australian Mango for 50RMB. Who pays $8 for a single piece of fruit? So the total was about $36. Not bad, not great. By the way, the quantities are not necessarily individual items, meaning the order was not 2 carrots, it was 2 500 gram units. About 4 big carrots. Placed the order for a scheduled time. Received confirmation. So, now wait...

The order arrived right on time in a cool cardboard box (we get excited like children with good boxes!).
All of the food was individually wrapped and clearly identified. Some were in pre-measured containers, but most were individually measured, probably right before they went into the box.

Below is the picture of all my stuff out of the box. Does it look like 234RMB of stuff???
Now came the fun part. Unwrapping. Smelling. Tasting. Clocwise from noon position, oranges, broccoli, lemons, limes, Australian Mango, avacodos, baby Swiss Chard, eggs, carrots, mushrooms, cilantro. All 11 items accounted for!
First taste was the Clementine orange. They promised seedless. And they were!!! Next, I snipped a bite of cilantro. Wow, tasted like cilantro. And the bunch was big, not the limp stuff we have been getting at other markets. Ok, now a nibble of carrot. Yum. And let;s try the baby Swiss Chard. Wow. This might be the best green I have eaten in a long time. Hard to explain the taste, but maybe a bit nutty? Definitely not going to cook them like I thought I would. This is going into a salad tomorrow! 

So, I give Fields a great big A. Convenient, good, not too badly priced. And I can make out a menu the night before and have the delivery the afternoon I want to cook.  Now I gotta check go check out the pine sprouts (what the ...?) and fresh spinach!


Anonymous said...

I miss the wet market, like you wouldn't believe!
How are you guys doing? How's Natalie? Andrew is doing well this year. He is back in the same school he was in before we left, so that's very nice for him.
Did you guys know anyone that lived in the building that caught on fire? I keep hoping no one we know lived there. What a scary thought.
Anyway, I hope you guys are doing well. Ryan will be coming back to China in December for 2 weeks. I plan on going with him when he goes in March/April. Tell Natalie HI from Andrew.

Shelly Bramer said...

Michelle, good to hear things are going well. We did not know anyone in the building. Lots of suppression occurring on that story here. Natalie says Hi back!