Friday, December 12, 2008

That's Not My Name.... That's Not My Name....

On a daily basis I am reminded of the Ting Tings' song "That's not my name". Why you ask? Because here at work most of the folks I work with call me Shirley. Don't think that I am making fun of my peers here, I know that the whole "ER" sound is VERY difficult to make for most Chinese. Heck, in Mandarin, it took me 3 months to make the sound associated with the Pinyin for "c". It sounds like "ds". Try that for a while. No that is not the problem, it is that Shirley seems to have been accepted as my name, not as a poor pronouncement! How did that happen? I guess because I stopped correcting anyone to be polite. Unfortunately every time I think of Shirley I immediately think of ReRun, Dwayne, Rog, and Dee. C'mon. You know who I refer to, right? Of course, it's What's Happening!! Now don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with being associated with a black, overweight, waitress. No it's not that. It's the idea of supervising Maurice (played by crazy Martin Lawrence!) during the "What's Happening Now!!!" series. Frightening...

By the way, have you ever noticed how listening to the song "C'mon on Eilieen" always makes you smile??? Why is that? Those Dexy's Midnight Runner's knew how to write (one song).

One last thought for the day...
This morning I woke up from a dream with Natalie in it. In this dream, she was a flower. yes a flower. A pretty yellow flower, sort of like a Daisy, in a pretty blue pot. We were in some room with tables and stools. She was sitting on the table and was signing Queen's Bicycle Race. She was entertaining the whole room and was smiling and enjoying herself. I looked at her sweet, smiling face, thinking about how her voice was just about the most beautiful thing I had ever heard. I glanced around the room and saw that everyone was listening but more importantly, they also had serene smiles on their faces. I turned back to Natalie and bent down to whisper encouragement, and then... My alarm went off.

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