Monday, January 28, 2008

Let it Snow... Let is Snow... Let is Snow!

It has been "snowing" here in Shanghai for a few days now. This morning we have the most accumulation we have ever seen. They are saying that this is the coldest winter they have had in a long time. Of course that is our first winter here! And the summer was one of the hottest. Don't figure. Shanghhaiise are NOT adapted to this type of weather. The "snow" is actually more sleet than anything. It is pretty to see when you are encapsulated within the Villa environment. But I am sure that the view out on the street is a little less peaceful. Turns out that our driver is sick today, probably made him sick thinking about having to drive like a maniac out in this.

Unfortunately, Natalie is sick today and I have to take her to the Dr. So, we will have to go in a taxi. She has pink eye (we think) and will home all day! Ah well, the life of a Tai-Tia...

Friday, January 25, 2008

One Week Back - a Short Theosophy

So, one week back in Shanghai. Got to see most of my friends back here already. Natalie is finally adjusted to the time change. And I got to exercise again. Back to NORMAL? Maybe. I had intentionally scheduled this week with a lot of down time so I could take my time getting back into the rhythm of life here. But I really spent more time considering the pluses and minuses of my first home visit. I have talked a bit with my friends here and realize that when you go home, every one's lives, including your own, continue to move on. But the lives we chose to live here in another country seem to put us on a very different path. So when you go home you find that the commonality you had before is harder to re-establish. Don't get me wrong, it is wonderful to see your family and friends. Catching up is just a bit different when you know you will separate again to lead dissimilar lives.

Maybe that all sounds negative, but really it is not. It was just insightful to learn about what has happened to me over the past year. If I judge myself against who I used to be, then I feel that I have come quite far. I set some personal goals for myself before I came and I have realized many of them. Not ready to share them here, but hopefully if you know me it is noticeable!

Well, gotta get ready for Mandarin class. That is my latest focus. I want to try to get "Conversational"!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

New recipe: Shelly's Shanghai Pork

Well, I have been spending a lot of time playing with recipes here in Shanghai. Due to some miscalculations cooking a different recipe, I came up with this recipe. I had to tweak it a few times to get it to come out right. I know some of you have misgivings about deep frying, buy trust me, if the temperature on the oil is right and you use fresh corn or vegetable oil, it primarily gives the pork a beautiful sheen and cooks it fast so it is extremely tender. I use this for group dinners as you can make quite a few pieces in a good size pork roast. I use the roast as it is slightly larger in circumference and the slices end up being a nicer size. But if you buy tenderloins, they will work too!
1 lb Pork Loin or Pork roast, whole, unlaced
1/4 cup corn starch
cooking oil
3 TBS Lime Juice
1/4 Cup Dark Soy Sauce
2 Cloves Garlic, crushed
1/2 tsp Coriander
1 1/2 tsp curry powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp Sichuan oil (can substitute 1/4 tsp cayenne powder)

Slice pork into very thin slices, like you were slicing a roast. Slices will be rectangular in shape and only 1/8# thick. The trick is to use thin slices so they are very tender and cook quickly. After slicing, mix marinade together. Pour over pork and let marinade in fridge for at least two hours. Can leave overnight. An hour before ready to cook, mix wet pork mixture with corn starch. Use hands to mix thoroughly. When ready to cook, heat cooking oil in wok or pan. You should have at least an inch on the bottom. Heat to medium high. When ready, place pork slices into hot oil and cook quickly, about a minute for each slice, turning once. Adjust oil so that it doesn't cook too fast and brown too much. Place cooked pork slices on paper towels for draining. Can be served with rice or with bread for sandwiches. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Return to Reality OR Back in Shanghai

Natalie and I just returned from the U.S. What a LLLLOOOONNNNGGGG trip! We arrived in Chicago on Dec 17 and left Tampa on Jan 17. I have decided NOT to blog the entire trip. It would take forever and probably not that interesting. However, I am going to hit the highlights (which sometimes are actually low lights). Oh, and one of my New Year's resolutions was to be a bit more timely on this blog, so please check back and send me an email if I don't keep that!

Trip Highlights
  • After arriving in Chicago, we had to drive south on U.S. 41 to my parent's house in Indiana. The rental car was packed with luggage and poor Natalie had to sit in the backseat squished next to the bags that wouldn't fit into the trunk. And it was really cold. About 45 minutes into the drive Natalie started to complain about having a tummy ache. I finally climbed in back and held her on my lap (yes, we didn't have a cars seat). About 10 minutes later, she said "Mommy, I think I am going to throw up" and then immediately she threw up! Trying to help, I held my hand over her mouth to catch it and just ended up getting it all over her face. When we finally pulled over, Natalie and I had it all over us. But, we stripped her and got some clean clothes on her, cleaned the coat in the snow on the side of the road, and climbed into the front seat. Luckily I had grabbed a cloth bag and emptied it in case of another emergency, which came about 15 minutes later! Poor thing! But, she survived. We got her to my parents and cleaned up!
  • I slept in 9 different locations in with 16 location changes (some were back and forth).
  • We had a wonderful time with all of our family. Lots of time with friends too!
  • Taco Bell, which I had been craving since before I left from Shanghai, was the biggest disappointment. I guess that is a good thing.
  • The real Mexican food and Skyline were NOT disappointments!
  • We played Wii for the first time. What a trip! Natalie one time bowled a 177. Tom knocked me out in boxing in about 30 seconds. Diane Schrimpf and I boxed until we were both totally sweating!
  • Met some friends in Indy for a great one-night sleepover. Julie shared some GREAT news (sorry, not for public consumption) and had a great steak at St. Elmo's.
  • Ended up with a dent in my rental car bumper. Never noticed until a day before I dropped it off. We think it happened while parked at a restaurant. Will have to wait and see what that ends up costing me!
  • Took a trip to Sanibel Island in Florida with my girlfriends. What happens on Girl's Trip NEVER GETS BLOGGED...
  • Natalie made a couple of snowmen in Indiana. Nice to see the snow!
  • Everyone saw their doctors. All is good with all of us. Tom's physician was very proud of him for losing 43 lbs!
  • Observed that the U.S. has much better looking military dudes!
  • Spent New Year's with Natalie, Tom, and my parents at Hooter's!
  • Natalie had three Christmas': One in West Lafayette, on in Fowler, and a final one here in Shanghai after we returned home last night.
  • Helped my friend Julie paint at her new house. She had me working for my room and board. I stayed at her place while I was in Dayton.
  • Went and saw the World Famous Lippizzaner Stallions
  • And finally, we ended the trip the way it started. Natalie threw up on the airplane on the way home. Just before we landed. She was complaining about a sore tummy. Went to the bathroom three times, but then the fasten seat belt came on for our landing. So, she had to use a big Ziploc that I had packed (luckily) into my carry on. Again, poor thing! She said afterwards "I don't look like I throwed up, do I?"

So, that is it. I really missed Shanghai. I was glad to see everyone in the U.S., but we really have made this our home now. Oh, and sleeping in my own bed was a huge luxury last night!