Friday, May 4, 2007

Where does the Time Go?

I have been thinking about explanations around why I am so busy, but I am not working. I have come to the realization that I now allocate time to things I never had time for before. Here are some examples:

  • Making my bed. I have talked about that before, how I never used to make our bed unless we had company. Now I make it every day. Well except sometimes on the weekend. With a King-size bed and all the stuff, that can take 7 minutes!
  • Washing my face before bed. Those of you who have spent the night with me know that I RARELY ever washed my face before going to bed. I don't know why since most women are practically religious about their night time rituals, but now some nights I do. I even bought facial cleansing lotion! I didn't that existed!!! That can take 10 minutes including the cleaning up part.
  • Applying lotion after showers. Here in Shanghai that is a must. Between the water and the weather, your skin takes a beating. I used to lotion up only when my legs were actually going to show and even then only part of the time. Now I spend 10 minutes using good Vaseline Intensive Care (not available here so I am using stuff I brought!).
  • Reading two books at the same time. What a luxury! I have always loved reading but when I was working I was really limited to reading at night before bed or during travel. Now I have enough time to be reading two books. I have one book downstairs that I pick up in the morning or when I have a few free minutes. The other is on my nightstand and usually just read it at night. Though I will admit to going to bed at 8pm so I have extra time to read I probably spend on average 90 minutes a day reading.
  • Experimenting with cooking. Some people might say I experiment all the time, but now I am taking to extreme. I have been making my own spaghetti sauce as it is hard to just buy here, so I took the time to see what tasted better in it: sliced garlic or chopped garlic. I spend a lot of time doing this. Probably 30 minutes a day, though it tends to come more in big chunks of time.

So, you see? here goes 2:27 minutes every day! I sleep about 9 hours a day. Hmmm... Where do the other 12 hours and 33 minutes go??? I will keep looking....

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