Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Daily Picture - Ms. Trotter

No real explanation for the picture today. She was doing a slow gallop through the kitchen. The title comes from my current BBC Show addiction, The Duchess of Duke Street. Gemma Jones (aka Poppy Pomfrey) plays Mrs. Trotter. And since Nat was trotting as opposed to galloping, I'm calling her Poppy. How's that for random!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Daily Picture - Frozen Face

Not frozen since she was in the car in the garage. But at - 7, you would freeze in a goofy face pretty quick!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Daily Picture - Blow Off!

You can see my days of posed Daily Pictures are definitely numbered. No posing time when you have to blow dry your hair and beg for a cup of coffee (which she didn't get!).

Daily Picture - Back at It!

Natalie stayed home for a couple of days due to a bad cold. Back to school and clearly thrilled!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Daily Picture - Snow Frown

Two days of no school (DAY 79 and 80) and yesterday chaos of first day back after break (DAY 81) leave three blanks as no pictures. Back to an almost normal routine today!