- 45:36
- 90th woman overall (out of 197 women)
- Not sure where combined overall since the mens times on the result sheets showed that ALLL men finished by 42:03, yet I know that there were men behind me. Bu there were 557 Male entries, combined to a total of 754 entries. I surely finished in the top half anyway!
So why all the running? Well, we have the Beijing Great Wall Marathon coming up on May 17th. We are actually doing the half-marathon. The half-marathon is 13.1 miles or little over 21k. My friends, Kathy Miller, Raquel Thueme, Ceyda Yuce, and I are heading there on a Friday, walking Saturday, and returning home on Sunday. We have been walking for several months leading up to this. The race is partially on the Wall itself, and partly through the local villages. Kathy and I headed to the Radisson Hotel, which is a couple of blocks away from her apartment, to walk up and down the stairs as that part of the trainin has been the hardest to duplicate. Of course, heading to a Chinese hotel to train was interesting in itself. It took us 15 minutes (not kidding) to figure out where the stairwell was! We asked several employees, but they would guide us back to the escelator or elevator. Probably should have learned the chinese word for stairs before we went! Regardless, we did find our stairs and after about 35 minutes of huffing and puffing, decided our hearts had enough! I want to go and do this a couple of more times before we go. I have been afraid to put my time goal as I really don't know what to expect. However, I have been thinking of shooting for less than 4 hours, but not sure if this realistic. If you analyze prior year times of women my age, I think that 4 hours is probably realistic. This race does not necessarily draw a lot of "walkers" and I think that will be what I will be doing most of the race. For sure the plan is for Kathy, Raquel, and Ceyda to walk the whole thing. But I hope to walk to three hours and then run the final hour. That is the plan anyway. More to come...